The Ski Squat Finisher
The ski squat sneaks up on you like a ninja. You'll think it's easy at first, but you'll think again by the end of it.

- Place your feet shoulder-width apart, about two feet out from the wall, and lean your back against the wall. Bend your knees to a slight partial-squat position. This is position one.
- After 10 seconds, lower down to position two, about two inches lower.
- After 10 more seconds, lower another two inches down to position three. Your thighs should be about parallel now.
- Drop down twice more, with the last position being about as far as you can bend at the knees: "ass to grass."
Most people are quivering lumps of Jell-O by this point. If you're not:
- Extend each static position to 20 seconds
- Do it one leg at a time
- Hold a dumbbell
- Come back UP two inches at a time after you work your way down the wall.
Can you smell that? That's lactic acid seeping from your pores.