This is a great superset for the posterior chain: the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. Without resting between exercises, perform the Romanian deadlift, a sled push and then a sumo deadlift.
Elevate the toes on the Romanian deadlift to better target the hamstrings.
Pushing the sled with a wider leg stance better targets the glutes.
For the sumo deadlift, avoid raising the hips too fast when you lift off the floor. As soon as you pass the knees, snap those hips forward by squeezing the glutes.
There’s no single best training tool. Instead of searching for one, increase the size of your toolbox. Here’s how to make your workouts practical and effective.
I've titled this article TNT (Tips-n-Tricks) for a very good reason. Many times it's the small things that make the biggest difference. Usually when reading a new book or article you walk away with one good idea. This one idea could've been presented in a paragraph or two. So I got to thinking, why not just provide all those great ideas in a format that cuts out the BS? What you're left with is pure TNT, the stuff great explosions are made of.