Tip: How Often Should You Change Your Workout?

That's a good, but somewhat complex question. Here's the nuanced, smart answer.


"How Often Should I Change My Workout?"

Changing your workout can mean different things to different people. Are we talking about using all new exercises or methods, or simply modifying a few elements like the number of reps per set or the tempo used?

I plan small changes weekly. My clients rarely repeat the exact same week of training. We can add or remove sets, change the rep schemes, or even alter the tempo a bit. But within a training phase, this is done without changing the exercises or the zone of training.

For example, we can change the set/rep scheme to something like this:

  • Week One: 8/6/4/8/6/4
  • Week Two: 7/5/3/7/5/3
  • Week Three: 6/4/2/6/4/2
  • Week Four: 5/3/1/5/3/1

Or we can change how the reps are performed:

  • Week One: 3 sets of 6 with a 5 second hold at the position of greatest tension
  • Week Two: 3 sets of 6 with a 6 second eccentric/negative phase
  • Week Three: 3 sets of 6 with a 3 second hold at the position of greatest tension
  • Week Four: 3 sets of 6 normal reps

Or we can even add intensification methods:

  • Week One: 3 sets of 8-10 reps, 1-2 reps short of failure
  • Week Two: 3 sets of 8-10 reps to failure
  • Week Three: 3 sets of 8-10 reps to failure, rest 15 seconds, then as many extra reps as possible (rest/pause)
  • Week Four: 2 sets of 8-10 reps to failure, rest 15 seconds, then as many extra reps as possible (rest/pause), then hold the position of highest tension for as long as tolerable

But if you're talking about changing the whole training program, 3-4 weeks works best for most. That doesn't mean you need to change everything though.

For example, let's say that you want to use a 5/3/1 plan. Each training phase lasts 4 weeks (5-3-1-deload).

After your deload, you'd start a new phase on the big basic lifts, but with adjusted weights. And you go on like that until death do us part.

I personally would plan changes in assistance exercises with every new phase. In other words, keep up the four main lifts of the 5/3/1 plan, but change the assistance movements every 4 weeks.

I believe that the longer you stay with a certain workout, the less effective it becomes. That's why I always have some elements of change from week to week.

But changing the exercises too often can also limit your gains because you never become efficient in a movement. To make it simple, change some of your exercises every 3-4 weeks and alter the way you do your sets or reps weekly.

Christian Thibaudeau specializes in building bodies that perform as well as they look. He is one of the most sought-after coaches by the world's top athletes and bodybuilders. Check out the Christian Thibaudeau Coaching Forum.