Waiter walks can be done unilaterally or bilaterally. While you can't go as heavy with waiter walks as you can with traditional farmers walks, they're great for increasing shoulder stability and strength because of the additional scapular activation. They're also great for the core or just for a challenging metcon workout.
Waiter Walks: One Handed
Waiter Walks: Two Handed
Execution Tips
Maintain a tall spine by keeping the head in a neutral position with the eyes forward, while pulling the shoulders back and down.
Make sure your grip is centered on the handle.
Squeeze the glutes, brace the abs, and keep your chest up.
Dr. Ken Kinakin, much like Dr. Mike Leahy, knows your pain. In fact, he's made a living off of it. The doc is one of the best in the world at devising training protocols to help make you injury-proof. Yeah, he likes bodybuilding and powerlifting routines, too, but when it comes to figuring out how to fix what ails ya', he's one of the best.
"You're a worm – a gutless worm, with puny legs to boot." And that's just Rob Fortney talkin' to his kids about their leg development! Imagine what he's going to say to you, you weak little douchebag.
I'm normally somewhat of a bookworm and science geek, although – to blow a little sunshine up my own butt – I have to say, I'm getting better at reading people.