This little workout covers all the basic human movements. It requires only one kettlebell and can be adjusted with reps, sets, and load to fit anyone. Don't let the simplicity fool you:
15 Kettlebell Swings
5 Goblet Squats
3 Push-Ups (any variation)
Test it first by doing 5 rounds with no rest between each exercise. Work up to 20 rounds. Twenty rounds equals 300 swings, 100 squats, and 60 push-ups. That's a respectable workout.
To make it harder, first increase the number of push-ups. Then, add a bigger kettlebell. This is a great workout anywhere, any time, and for any reason.
So you want to write for Testosterone, huh? Hmmm, you live in Columbus, right? That's where Louis Simmon's Westside Barbell is located. How 'bout if we call up Dave Tate and set up a training session for you where you actually train with the Westside boys and write about it? Could you handle it?