If you're an athlete – or work with athletes – improving power in only the sagittal plane will only get you so far. To be truly powerful, in every direction, you need to train in multiple planes.
The crossover sled drag is an awesome tool to train in the frontal (side to side) plane. This explosive move is just like the first step that aspiring NFL players take when they test their lateral movement at the NFL combine.
Heavy crossover sled drags also train your backside like nothing you've ever done before and leave you super sore when you stumble out of bed the next day.
What you're seeing is a genuine alpha female, the quintessential Testosterone Vixen. Now you may be thinking that this species of female is not only rare, but perhaps even extinct. You'd be wrong. We found one. We not only found a real life T-Vixen, we may have found their leader.
The author was sentenced to 10 years in prison. He started lifting to build up his self-esteem and, more importantly, to protect his ass from getting shanked.