Set two cones about 20-40 yards apart and grab some heavy dumbbells. You're not going to put them down until you've finished the whole routine.
Start at one cone and do 6-8 reps of a bentover row.
Walk to the other end and do 8-10 cleans. Finish holding both dumbbells at your shoulders (racked position).
Walk back and do a set of 6-8 dumbbell front squats.
Return to the other cone, this time performing 6-8 reps of dumbbell overhead presses. On the last rep, hold the dumbbells overhead and walk back to the start.
That's one round. Do 2-4 rounds, resting 1-3 minutes between sets.
All you need to build strong, powerful abs is “The Pillar Killer” – a mechanical drop set built around a series of core-specific movements. Check it out.