Jumps will develop your rate of force development (RFD) and enhance your ability to accelerate the bar through sticking points in the squat. Use box jumps, weighted box jumps, and depth jumps to enhance your RFD.
Note: It's critical when performing box jumps to focus on displacing your hips as high as possible, not just pulling your knees up to land on the box. You shouldn't use a box that causes you to land in anything lower than a parallel squat. Make sure you land on the box softly on all reps.
Depth jumps are an extremely powerful training tool but are also very taxing to the body and nervous system, so they must be used strategically.
To many in the iron world, how much you can deadlift is the ultimate status symbol. Here's a solid three-month plan to get you on the road to deadlifting respect.
Sometimes I think that I've been coaching and training so long that I just take for granted this thing called "experience". As an athlete, I always felt that w? wasted up to an hour of practice doing this thing called a "warm-up".
"Bodybuilding training? No way! Not for me! I'm training only for strength and function," said the huge sumbitch after deadlifting a load that was roughly equivalent to a Sherman tank.