
Brutal Squat Day Meadows, Tate & Dugdale

See John Meadows, Dave Tate and Mark Dugdale go through a brutal squat workout. Lots of technique discussed.

  1. Squat Technique (01s)
  2. Safety Bar Squat (01m07s)
  3. Chain Sets (02m44s)
  4. Brutal Drop Sets (12m04s)
  5. Final Thoughts from John Meadows (22m58s)
Dave Tate is the founder and CEO of Elitefts and the author of Under The Bar. Dave has been involved in powerlifting for over three decades as a coach, consultant and business owner. He has logged more than 10,000 hours coaching professional, elite, and novice athletes, as well as professional strength coaches. Follow Dave Tate on Facebook
Mark Dugdale is an IFBB pro bodybuilder and Mr. Olympia competitor. Mark has 22 years of experience on stage and a passion for brutal workouts. He has also produced five documentaries, participated in seminars with prison inmates, and was granted one of the last recorded interviews with Joe Weider. Follow Mark Dugdale on Twitter