January 19
Tip: Push Press For Massive Strength
Get strong in the push press and you'll get strong on everything else. Here's why.
January 16
Tip: Use the 40 Reps Method for Growth
Stop thinking in sets. Instead, think about load and total reps. You'll get better results. Here's how.
January 15
Tip: Do This 3-Minute Shoulder Warm-Up
All you need is a band and a few minutes to improve posture and lifting performance. Here's how to do it.
January 14
21 Days to a Bigger Back
Doing a back workout once a week isn't going to cut it. You need to crush it and crush it hard several times a week.
January 13
Tip: Do the Blitzkrieg Triple Press
Blast your chest with this unique dumbbell bench press variation. Here's how to do it.
January 12
Tip: Build Your Pecs with the Squeeze Press
Looks weird, works great for building a bigger chest. Here's how to do it.
Tip: Do the Constant-Tension Curl
Stretch out those shirtsleeves by adding this unique exercise variation to your arm training plan. Here's how to do it.
January 11
The 4 Best Ways to Lunge
The regular ol' forward lunge is actually the least effective. Check out these superior variations for leg strength.
Tip: Do Squat-Lunge Supersets for Quads & Glutes
This vicious low-body combo builds muscle, challenges your conditioning, and burns fat. Here's how to do it.
January 10
Tip: Bring Up a Puny Muscle Like This
Got small quads, a weak chest, or lagging triceps? Here's the smart way to bring them up to par.
January 9
Tip: Re-Think Your Recovery Days
For faster gains, do a little non-eccentric exercise on your off days. Here's how.
Tip: Find Your Ideal Squat Stance
Most powerlifters are better off with a wide stance, but you have to use what's right for your body. Here's your guide.
January 8
Tip: Break Mental Barriers to Squat Heavy
You have to mentally prepare for a PR squat. Here's how to do it.
Tip: Strengthen Your Grip 4 Different Ways
There's more than one type of grip strength, and you need to train all of them to build a powerful grip. Here's how.
January 7
One Exercise for Stronger Squats & Biceps
Perfect your squat form and build your biceps with this simple (but challenging) exercise. Check it out.
Tip: Do More Direct Glute Training
Many people need more than squats and deads to fully train their glutes. Here's why you may need more butt stuff.
January 6
Tip: Try the Deadlift Walk
Improve your conditioning and test your mettle with this unique exercise. Here's how to do it.
January 5
Tip: Do the Strip-the-Rack Press
For big, strong, and healthy shoulders, scrape the rack. Here's why and how to do it.
Tip: Do High-Rep Plate Raises for Traps
This is really going to burn, but you'll love the results. Here's how to do it.