March 5
Tip: Do The Lazy Lifter Warm-Up
Two minutes, two quick warm-up drills. The fast warm-up for lazy (or busy) lifters. Check it out.
Tip: Master the Lunge for Better Legs & Glutes
There are several ways to lunge, and one big way to screw it up. Here's what you need to know.
March 4
Athlete Lean, Athlete Strong
The fastest and most effective way to get ripped is to train like a power/speed athlete. Here's your complete program.
March 2
Tip: Try These 4 Leg Curl Tricks
The lying leg curl works, but most people only get half the results they could be getting. Here's how to make it work better.
The Lifter's Guide to Sprinting
Sprinting leans you out while building you up. Here's your expert guide to working sprints into your training plan.
Tip: For Pull-Ups, Hang Weight in the Back
The way most lifters add load to the pull-up leads to poor lifting mechanics and even back pain. Here's the simple fix.
March 1
Tip: Do Chin-Ups With the 25 Reps Method
Go heavy on the chin-up and you'll build massive amounts of real-world strength and muscle. Check out this workout plan.
7 Truths About Strength Training
Getting strong goes beyond lifting heavy. Here's what experienced lifters know that keeps them going long after most have quit.
February 29
Tip: Embrace the Void
Feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders? Squat it. Training is therapy. Check this out.
February 28
Tip: Stop Making That Face
Psyching yourself up to lift can wreck your CNS and increase cortisol. Here's why.
February 27
Tip: Build Muscle With "Death By" Sets
Got two minutes, a high pain tolerance, and the desire to build muscle? Then this training method is for you.
Tip: Make Gains With Active Recovery
Clear systemic waste by using the active muscle pump method. It's simple and even relaxing. Check it out.
February 25
4 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Bench
Some of the stuff you need to do to get a bigger bench press doesn't involve actual bench pressing. Check out the tips and get the training program here.
Tip: Do Crunches, But Follow This Rule
Many experts consider the crunch unsafe, but it can still be a good ab exercise if you follow a simple rule. Check it out.
February 24
Straighten Before You Strengthen
Building strength and symmetrical muscle isn't possible with an asymmetrically aligned physique. Here's how to assess your posture and fix it fast.
February 22
Tip: Be Inefficient to Lose Fat
The more efficient you are at an exercise, the less fat you'll burn. Here's why, plus a better way.
What You Don't Know About Training Delts
Science reveals some surprising tips on how to train the deltoids and create "3D" shoulders. Check them out.
Tip: Stop Being Narrow-Minded About Programs
Seven things about ALL training programs you need to know. Check 'em out.
February 21
Tip: Use the Thumbless Bench Press
This type of grip eliminates shoulder and triceps pain in heavy benchers. And yes, it's safe if you're not an idiot. Here's how to do it.