July 4
The 5 Rules of Workout Challenges
Fitness is filled with workout challenges and WODs. And most of them are stupid. Here are three smart ones that take only 10-15 minutes. Bonus: How to design your own.
Tip: Build Size & Strength in the Same Workout
If your training makes you sacrifice strength just to look good, it sucks. Get the best of both worlds with this brutal method.
July 3
Tip: Do the Animal Crawl Workout
Beast mode? We'll show you beast mode! See if you can survive this 15-minute metcon challenge.
July 2
Tip: Learn to Feel the Muscle Working
If you don't feel the muscle, you're wasting your time. Here's how to develop that skill for size or strength gains.
Tip: Bench Press to Lose Fat
Sounds crazy, but this challenging workout will not only test your mettle, it'll set your heart and lungs on fire. In a fun way. Take a look.
July 1
How to Train for Non-Stop Fat Loss
Even if your diet is perfect, sometimes fat loss just comes to a halt. Why? Because you're overlooking one crucial thing in your training. Here it is.
Tip: Use a Balloon to Boost Your Deadlift
Sounds weird because, well, it is kinda weird. But this technique really works! Take a look.
June 30
Tip: Measure Your Gains With This Method
If you're only judging the effectiveness of your workouts by how sore you get, you're a newbie. Here's how to gauge actual progress.
Tip: Crush Big Weights With This CNS Trick
If your mind doesn't think you're going to hit a new 1RM, you won't. Here's how to fire up your nervous system so that you're up for the task.
June 29
Tip: Build Wide Shoulders With This Superset
You've never trained your delts like this! (We can tell.) Take a look at this unique hypertrophy method.
4 Movements For a Monster Deadlift
A weak deadlift is a sign of a weak body. Get your numbers up with these surefire variations. Here's exactly how to do them plus a workout program.
June 28
Tip: Do Load-Contrast Training for Growth
Here's a new way to trigger hypertrophy that you've probably never tried before.
Tip: The 10-Minute Leg Day Challenge
Test your front squat, deadlift, and testicular fortitude with this unique workout. Check it out.
How to Fix a Really Ugly Squat
If squatting feels like hell, you're doing it wrong. Fix it and the movement will come easier for you... along with the PRs. Here's exactly what to do.
Tip: Take the Half-Mile Of Hell Challenge
Grab a few kettlebells or dumbbells, find an open space, and see what you're made of. Here's how.
June 27
Tip: Do This Exercise to Sprint Faster
Want to run like a cheetah? You need more than squats, deadlifts, and box jumps. You need this horizontal force exercise.
Tip: Take the 15-Minute Chin-Up Test
Build your biceps (finally!) with this progressive weekly workout.
June 26
Tip: Improve Your Mobility on Squats & Deadlifts
If your heels come up during squats or you have low back pain during deadlifts, this clever trick will fix you right up.
Tip: 20-Minute Bench & Chin-Up Challenge
Test your bench press, chin-up, and conditioning with this brutal (but smart) challenge. Check it out!