July 15
Tip: Sit a Lot? Do These 4 Exercises
Activate your puny scapular stabilizers and you'll keep your shoulders healthy for pain-free pressing. Here's how.
July 14
Tip: Use This Trick to Hit Squat Depth Every Time
If you can't hit proper depth, stop going up in weight. A squat is not a slight knee-bend or a curtsy. This clever trick will help you stop being lame.
Tip: Master the Low Cable Row
Build your back and keep your cranky shoulders healthy with this smart row variation. Take a look.
July 13
Tip: Test Your Athleticism in 2 Minutes
Let's see how fit you really are. Take this quick test. And try not to puke.
Tip: The Easiest Way to Get Healthier
Increasing your performance in the gym and preventing many diseases can be as simple as going outside. Here's why.
July 12
Tip: Train Abs First
Impressive abs aren't just made in the kitchen. They're grown through intentional and regular hypertrophy training. Here's how to make sure that happens.
The Most Hated Machine in the Gym
The Smith machine is used by bodybuilders, strongmen, and powerlifters. And they're bigger and stronger than you, hater. Maybe it's time you learn to use it right. Here's how.
Tip: Build Your Consistency Muscle
There's only one way to be consistent in the gym. And the delicate snowflakes out there don't want to hear it. Here it is anyway.
July 11
Tip: Increase Mobility for a Better Squat
Here's a simple drill that will help mobilize your ankles and calves, making your squat smoother, safer, and stronger.
July 10
Tip: A New Method for Big, Hard Legs
If you struggle to build legs, this brutal training method will change everything. Bonus: It'll lean you up too! Take a look.
Tip: Total Body Training vs. Body Part Splits
Should you train a muscle group or two per day or your entire body? Here are the pros and cons of each method.
July 9
Tip: Is Dry Needling Right for You?
Treat muscle pain and restore movement with this method. Don't like needles? Don't watch this video!
July 8
Tip: The Best Set-Rep Scheme You've Never Tried
Still doing 3 sets of 10? Then it's time to stimulate new muscle growth with this proven loading method. Check it out.
July 7
Tip: Get Shredded With Density Training
Want to replace cardio with lifting? Increase your training density. Here's how to do it.
Top Tools for Beat Up Athletes
Feeling banged up from lifting or sports? Here are some cool new ways to prevent and treat common problems.
Tip: Make This Decision, Make More Gains
Before you ever step foot into the gym, you have a big choice to make. That choice will determine everything. Here it is.
July 6
Tip: How to Look Like You Lift
It doesn't matter how heavy you can go. If you're missing THIS in your training you're not going to build much muscle.
July 5
Tip: Manipulate Intensity, Volume, and Frequency
Smart training will allow you to recover. Strategize the most important variables to recover quickly and make faster gains. Here's how.
Tip: 2 Things Every Lifter Must Do to Improve
Some people can't escape the newbie phase. Others get stuck at the intermediate level. Both groups are making the same mistakes. Are you?