July 28
Tip: Make This Exercise For Traps Even Better
Here's how to take a classic trap-building movement and make it even more effective.
The Best Training Method You're Not Using
This training method adds volume and builds strength, size, and endurance while getting you ripped. It's also fun. Here's how to do it.
Tip: One Question Every Lifter Must Answer
If you want to get bigger, stronger, or leaner, one question must be asked. Answer honestly and you'll make more progress. Take a look.
July 27
Tip: How to Make Fast Strength Gains in 4 Weeks
Combine these two strength training methods and you'll be popping PRs left and right. Check it out.
6 Lifts to Fix Your Overhead Press
Improve your technique. Wipe out deficiencies. Get more weight over your head than ever before. Here's how.
Tip: Master the Standing Rollout
Not many people can do it. Too bad, it's one of the best core exercises out there. Here's how to work your way up to it in five steps.
July 26
Get Your Girl To Lift
Does lifting make women bulky? Many still seem to think so. But if you want to help them get in shape without scaring them off, here's the script you need to follow.
July 25
Tip: A New Way to Build Wide Delts
Band training is kinda weenie. But adding bands to dumbbells will blow up your delts. Here's exactly how to do it.
Tip: Challenge Yourself With a "Changeup"
Baseball pitchers use a changeup to shock and confuse the batter. Apply the strategy to your training and make the basics even more brutal. Here's how.
July 24
Tip: Work Glutes While Brushing Your Teeth
When your glutes won't activate during lower body exercises, they start to get soft and shapeless. Here's a simple way to keep them round and hard.
July 23
Tip: The Viking Row Workout
Get shredded fast with this tough metabolic conditioning workout. Here's how to do it, if you dare.
July 22
Tip: The 14-Minute Fat Incinerator
This now-classic training method only takes a warm-up and 4 minutes of really hard work. But it beats an hour of traditional cardio. Check it out.
Tip: Increase Pull-Up Power With This Simple Plan
This workout strategy combines high frequency with very low reps to get you doing double-digit pull-ups. Take a look!
July 21
Tip: A Treadmill Workout That Doesn't Suck
Is it possible to lose fat without becoming a jogger? Yep. Do treadmill loaded carries. Take a look.
July 20
Tip: Does Weight Lifting Stunt Height?
Many "experts" say kids should avoid lifting because it'll prevent them from getting taller. That's bull. Here's why.
The 3 Smartest Ways to Train Shoulders
Yes, you can build big strong shoulders without wrecking your joints. Here are three ways to do it.
July 18
Tip: Stairway-To-Pain Intervals
Stepmills suck. Well, actually, they're great for fat loss and conditioning. They're just hard. Here's how to get results in a 5-minute workout.
The Best Time of Day to Train
Is there really an optimal time to hit the gym? A time that would give you better results? Here's what science has to say.
July 16
Tip: The 10-10-10 Treadmill Sprint Workout
Want a bigger engine? Do metcon with progressive overload. This is tough and it only gets tougher... but so will you. Take a look.