September 19
4 Ways to Greatly Accelerate Recovery
Here's how to heal and regenerate faster on off days so you can train harder, train heavier, and keep getting better.
Tip: Do the Dead-Stop Row for a Bigger Back
You already know you need to "row to grow" but you've probably never tried this effective row variation. Check it out.
September 18
Tip: Feel Pain, Reach Goals
Pain tolerance is a requirement for mental and physical strength. Welcome it. Here's the deal.
September 17
Tip: How to Improve Squat Mobility & Stability
One exercise will help with both. The results? A bigger, better squat. Check it out.
September 16
Tip: Stop Warming Up Like a Scrawny Jogger
For weight training workouts, warm-up with movement and address restrictions later. Here's how it's done.
September 15
Tip: Fix Your Push-Up Form, Save Your Face
Here's the simplest way to hone in on the ideal push-up mechanics.
The 4 Levels of Pull-Up Power
Get stronger on pull-ups and you'll get better at just about everything. Here's how to do it, whether you can crank out a dozen or you're working on your first strict rep.
September 14
Tip: The Right & Wrong Way to Do Weighted Push-Ups
Loaded push-ups with plates or bands are awesome... if you get the resistance in the right place. Here's what you need to know.
Smart Idea, Terrible Results
Tempo prescriptions (like 4010 and 3212) seem like a good idea, but sadly they make people weaker and smaller. Here's why, plus a better method.
Tip: Drop-Blocks for Maximum Growth
If your main goal is hypertrophy, this new progression model will help you build slabs of muscle. Take a look.
September 13
Tip: Build Biceps & Abs With the Inverted Curl
Target two muscles groups with just one super-effective exercise. Here's how.
September 12
Tip: Do Blitz Cycles for Abs
Here's how to program your ab workouts for better results.
September 11
Tip: Treat Lower Back Pain the Smart Way
Ever roll around on a lacrosse ball or two tennis balls taped together? That might be hurting more than helping. Here's a better way.
September 10
Tip: Let Go of Control and Grow
Here's one of the big “secrets” of success in the gym. Most people won't want to hear it. That's why most people are weak.
Tip: Don't Just Get Tired. Get Better.
This is one of the most important lessons you can learn when it comes to choosing a workout plan or a coach. Check it out.
September 9
Tip: Forget the IT Band
Foam rolling the IT band is popular, but it's not doing what you think it's doing. Here's what's really going on, plus a better method.
Are Cheat Reps Worth It?
Trainers say to avoid cheat reps, but bodybuilders use them with success. So who's right? Here's the truth, plus a pro's guide to using them correctly.
September 8
Tip: Choose The Right Weight
Most lifters trying to build muscle are either going too light or too heavy. Here's how to find your sweet spot for hypertrophy.
September 7
Tip: Stop Sitting on a Ball
This popular form of self-therapy isn't a good fix, and it can make things worse. Here's why, plus a better way to soothe your butt-hurt.