October 31
Tip: Do This 3-Squat Drop Set
Hit a new squat PR by using this smart mechanical drop set to improve your technique and strengthen any weak links. Check it out.
October 30
Tip: Do 50 Reps in 5 Minutes
The fastest, toughest workout strategy you'll ever use. Take a look.
October 29
Tip: When to Train to Failure, When to Avoid It
This quick guide will set you up for long-term success. Check it out.
Tip: Do the Quadruped Row
This odd-looking rowing variation will fix your form flaws and help prevent low back pain. Check it out.
October 27
Tip: Stop It With The Obsessive Counting!
Here's how "over-quantification syndrome" leads to poor results with training and diet.
Tip: Avoid This Dumb Workout Trend
It's not CrossFit. It's not HIIT. It's an ugly blend of the two. And it needs to go away. Here's why.
October 26
Tip: Avoid the Ballerina Lift-Off
It's a common squat mistake that most people don't even realize they're making. Here's why it's wrong and how to fix it.
The Strongest Squatter on the Planet
Record-breaking powerlifter. Pro bodybuilder. Olympian. Amit Sapir might just be the world's best barbell sport athlete. Check out this exclusive interview.
Tip: Beware of Insta-Experts
You see these jackasses a lot lately. It's time to call out the two worst offenders.
October 25
Tip: Do the Tabletop Row
Stop butchering the barbell row. Do this accessory exercise, find your form flaws, then get back to heavy rows. Check it out.
Exposed! 11 Things Experts Did Wrong
If you could start all over again in the gym, what would you change? We asked our top coaches and experts. Their answers are enlightening.
October 24
Tip: Improve Your Bench Press With This Spray
Sounds crazy, but many top strength athletes are starting to do it. Check this out.
10 Commandments of Injury Prevention
Follow these 10 simple rules and never miss another workout from an aching back, a bum shoulder, or a gimpy knee.
Tip: Two Drills To Improve Posture
These movements will make your spine and shoulders feel better and move better when doing big lifts. Check 'em out.
October 22
Tip: Replace the Upright Row
For most people, the upright row is a shoulder wrecker. Here's a better exercise.
October 21
8 Laws of Strength Training
You don't have to do every little thing right to get big and strong. You just have to follow these 8 laws to the letter.
Tip: A Back-Friendly Alternative to Bent-Over Rows
You need to be doing more horizontal pulls, but the standard barbell row may be doing more harm than good. Try this instead.
October 19
Tip: A Better Way to Overhead Press
Many athletes and bodybuilders are dropping the overhead press and replacing it with this safer alternative. Check it out.
October 14
Fasted Cardio Eats Muscle
When most people diet and train for fat loss, they lose a lot of muscle too. That's dumb and totally unnecessary. Here's how to avoid it.