December 4
Tip: Do the Sandwich Press for Big Pecs
Want to recruit as many chest fibers as possible? Yes, you do. Add this to the end of your next chest workout.
Tip: Fix Your Form, Build Bigger Triceps
Just about everyone screws up this arm exercise. Here's what they're doing wrong, and how to do it right.
December 2
Tip: The Deadlift That Builds More Muscle
The standard deadlift is great for strength, but it's missing something when it comes to hypertrophy. Try this variation instead.
Tip: The Leg Exercise Everyone Needs
Are those your legs or are you riding a stork? If you've ever been the butt of that joke, add this to your leg day.
December 1
Tip: Fix Your Cranky Shoulders and Ugly Posture
This quick drill does it all: makes your shoulders feel good, loosens up your stiff back, and even helps with posture. Try it.
Tip: Take the 1-Minute Pull-Up Challenge
It's tougher than it sounds. Check out the details of the challenge here, then let us know how you do.
November 30
Tip: The Dark Side of Cardio
Think you have to do tons of cardio to get lean? Here are 10 reasons why you're wrong.
Tip: The Handcuff Drill for Healthy Delts
No, you don't need to get arrested. Just do this exercise to keep your shoulders healthy and mobile. Take a look.
November 29
Tip: Build Pecs with the Hex Press
This shoulder-friendly exercise will light up your chest in a whole new way. Take a look.
Tip: The Double Kettlebell Delt Builder
This lift will build your shoulders, but your entire body will be punished too – from glutes to lats. Check it out.
November 28
Tip: The Missing Warm-Up for Leg Day
Add this simple move to your warm-up on lower-body day and you'll be ready to smoothly bang out the big lifts.
2 Training Secrets of Jacked Olympic Lifters
These two brutal drills will get you more athletic and shredded, even if you're not into Olympic lifting. Do them. Here's how.
Tip: Don't Forget Your OTHER Butt Muscles
The maximus gets all the attention, but if your other glute muscles are weak then your squat will suffer. Here's how to prevent that.
November 27
Tip: The Leg Exercise That Prevents Knee Injuries
Lift long enough or play sports and your knees are bound to get cranky. Here's an easy way to protect them.
November 26
Tip: Build Your Glutes, Boost Athleticism
Add this exercise to your program if you want complete leg and glute development that transfers perfectly into sports.
November 25
Tip: The 4-Minute Video Guide to Raw Benching
Want to build strength AND size with the bench press? Here's how to get your form to match your goals.
November 24
Tip: The Dumb Looking Warm-Up You Should Do
Yeah, it's stupid looking, but it'll loosen up your neck, your shoulders, and even activate your glutes.
November 23
Tip: A Better Way to Build Hammies
Weak hamstrings? This training technique will get them bigger and stronger.
Tip: What You Don't Know About Exercise Order
Should you do compound or isolation exercises first? The answer is obvious. Or is it? Check this out.