January 29
Tip: Boost Biceps Growth, Instantly
Here's an easy way to improve your curl form, lift more weight safely, and trigger more hypertrophy.
January 27
Tip: Elevation Masks Just Don't Work
A new study shows that these goofy masks make everything about your workout less effective. Here's why.
January 26
Tip: The Most Useless Pull-Up Exercise
This movement is often used as a regression in functional fitness classes. Problem is, it doesn't do much of anything. Here's why.
January 25
Tip: Does Rest-Pause Training Actually Work?
Researchers took a look at it in this new study. Here's what they found.
January 24
Tip: The Least Effective Core Exercise
Honestly, people who do this exercise may not be smart enough to read an article about why it's a dumb exercise.
Tip: Two Lifts for Real Athletic Strength
Here's are two functional strength exercises that are actually functional for athletes and everyone else who occasionally gets off the couch.
January 23
Tip: The Most Popular Bad Exercise
You've seen people doing this in your gym. Here's why it's idiotic.
5 Reasons Your _____ Is Small
Does your back suck compared to your chest? Do your triceps lag behind your biceps? Whatever your puny muscle group is, here's how to fix it.
Tip: Train Your Glutes for a Bigger Squat
Here's what to do before, during, and after squats to activate, strengthen, and grow your glutes.
January 22
Tip: The Combo Exercise That's Just Plain Silly
It's a popular exercise that kills two birds with one stone... except it really doesn't. It just screws up two good exercises.
Good Exercises Gone Terribly Wrong
These exercises and training methods have their place, but they're stupid choices for most gym goers. Here's why.
Tip: The Best Rest Periods for Arm Growth
How long should you rest between sets if biceps and triceps size is your goal? Here's your guide.
January 21
Tip: The Sissy Machine That'll Get You Strong
The wimpiest machine in the gym can actually help you build strength and muscle. Who knew? Try these two exercises.
January 19
Tip: Another Good Reason to Use a Spotter
Does having a spotter lead to better bench press performance, even if he doesn't touch the bar? Check out this fascinating new study.
A Strongman's Guide to Shoulder Health
Love lifting heavy? Then you either have some shoulder issues or you soon will. Follow these 5 steps to get them healthy and keep them healthy.
January 18
Tip: The Complete Ab Exercise
This movement builds core strength, nails the abs, and even hits those hard-to-reach serratus muscles.
January 16
The Perfect Biceps Curl
Curls seem easy to master, yet most lifters are leaving some gains on the table. Use these science-based tricks to build bigger bi's.
Tip: Are You Using the Right Weight to Grow?
Most people don't according to this new study. Check it out.
January 15
Tip: Two Surprising Exercises for Shoulder Health
These two moves can help you prevent and even eliminate shoulder pain.