Tsunami Training

I'm going to describe a little 6-week program that I call Tsunami Training (I'll get to why I call it that a little later). It's based, for the most part, on training methodologies that I picked up from Ian King and Charles Poliquin, with some razzle-dazzle thrown in by myself.

The Evolution of Ab Training

Ah, the elusive art of abs. These days, the "lift shirt and crunch" has replaced flexed biceps as the choice method for proving that you are, indeed, a studly man-beast. Despite this latest "muscle of the moment" craze, Americans are getting fatter. Want to know the secret reason? Okay, I'll tell you...but this is just between you and me, deal?

Preparing for the Ultimate Workout

Most trainees have the habit of waking up, shoveling down some Fruit Loops, and heading off to the gym before they've truly awakened. In other words, given the amount of prep work they've put into that particular workout, they might as well have left their Fozzie Bear jammies on and stayed in bed.

Smart Training 2

Dr. Ken Kinakin, much like Dr. Mike Leahy, knows your pain. In fact, he's made a living off of it. The doc is one of the best in the world at devising training protocols to help make you injury-proof. Yeah, he likes bodybuilding and powerlifting routines, too, but when it comes to figuring out how to fix what ails ya', he's one of the best.