February 16
Shrug Science - Part 1
A famous medical doctor, C. Chan Gunn, once likened the human upper trapezius muscle to that of a cobra snake's hood.
Atlas Speaks
An Interview with Ed Coan
February 15
The Modified Gymnast's Routine
If your back training program involves nothing but machine pulldowns, then put on a frilly pink dress 'cause you're training like a little girl!
February 9
The Psychology of Training
I remember when I first got the notion of how powerful the psychology behind training can be.
February 2
Hise Breathing Shrugs
Move over abs; traps are in style this season.
High Octane Training 3
Think you have what it takes to make it in the world of elite sports? Do you have immense talent and ability?
January 26
Convergent Phase Training
One of my central operating paradigms is the realization that all methods, devices, philosophies and techniques involved in strength training have specific benefits and drawbacks. If your training lacks sufficient diversity, you'll accumulate the drawbacks and habituate to the benefits. And that ain't good.
January 19
Biomechanical Advantage Extended Sets - Part 1
Anyone who's ever picked up a weight has learned a little about physics, whether he knows it or not.
January 12
Warrior Training
If you want to learn how to fight like a man, there's only one place to go: the world famous Lion's Den dojo.
January 5
Frankenstein's Hamstring Exercise
This short column might give you a neat little training tip, or it may address diet, supplementation, drugs, or even cooking. If it's interesting, and it's relatively short, it may find its way here.
The Recovery Battlefield
Getting aggressive with your recovery
December 22
The Little Black Book of Training Methods
A lot of you have been training for years, and as such have experimented with dozens of training methods. Most are probably long since forgotten, like the girl with the braces and padded bra that you dated once or twice back in high school. There wasn't any chemistry and you went your separate ways.
December 8
High Octane Training 2
Think you have what it takes to make it in the world of elite sports? Do you have immense talent and ability? Great, but so do a few thousand other guys. Unfortunately, all of these things will only get you so far in this world where good often isn't good enough. At this level you have to be one of the best just to get your foot in the door.
From Russia With Love
By definition, a peak is surrounded by two valleys, which means (despite what athletes always like to tell me), you can't be in peak condition all the time.
School Days - Part 2
A practical training and nutrition guide for college students
December 1
The Periodization Bible - Part 2
Everything you ever wanted to know about advanced periodization for strength training.
School Days - Part 1
LA practical training and nutrition guide for college students.
November 17
The Testosterone Training Codex
For years, I've been watching zombies, training zombies. They wander aimlessly from station to station, doing exercises haphazardly with really no rhyme or reason except that, "this one kinda' feels like it's doing something." Once in awhile, they'll grasp on to a particular program but they'll end up beating it into the ground, doing it for months and months until they've long since milked any effectiveness from it.
Made to Order Muscle
Can you really change the shape of a muscle?