October 23
Sexy Female Training
A diet and workout plan for females wanting a lean, athletic look. Check it out.
October 19
The "Best" Exercises
I'll have to admit that my mind was elsewhere. We were all sitting in the lounge at the Los Angeles Strength Seminar and everyone was drinking wonderful things like beer and bourbon, often together. One lovely young woman was drinking a wine spritzer. I can allow that, if you're a lovely young woman.
October 18
Death to the Conjugate Method?
Over the last few years it seems that just about every "in the know" performance coach has discussed the conjugate method and why they find it to be the most effective way to train an athlete. By now I think we all know the definition of conjugate or concurrent periodization and how it involves simultaneously trying to raise multiple qualities.
October 17
Breaking The Strength Barrier
Imagine if there were no barriers to strength attainment: we'd all be power cleaning 500, squatting 1000, and benching 600 in no time.
October 12
The Cheat Workout
A new way to give your body and brain a break and rediscover the idiotic fun of training
October 11
The Beast Rants, You Learn
Instead of my usual Q & A column this month, I'm going to get a few things off my chest. Don't worry though, it won't simply be the ranting of a dieting bodybuilder; you'll probably learn a few helpful things along the way, too!
October 9
4 Guaranteed Tips
Strategies for sets, reps, volume, training, and for getting downright ripped. Find it all here.
October 2
Strong Athlete, Zero Injuries
Eight ways to train safely and effectively.
September 27
13 Tips for Mighty Elbows and Wrists
It’s difficult to lift hard and heavy when your elbows and wrists feel jacked up. Here’s how to keep them strong and healthy.
September 25
Gina Aliotti: Supergirl
What happens when a bodybuilder and a nutrition store owner get together and make a baby? What happens when this baby is raised on health foods? What happens when she starts training with weights at age 14?
September 21
7 Keys to Athletic Success
Chris Shugart recently wrote an article about balance. Basically he said, "Balance good, karate good, everything good. Balance bad? Better pack up, go home."
September 19
Soft Tissue Work for Tough Guys
Think foam rolling hurts? Try using a tennis ball on trigger points. Here’s how.
September 11
Powerlifting Tricks For Regular Joes
I've come to the realization that not everybody is interested in entering powerlifting competitions, but they are interested in improving their training by using powerlifting concepts. So here are a few things I picked up in the powerlifting pits that you can use to reach whatever lifting goals you may have.
September 9
Bulk Up, Cut Up: Quads and Tri's
Thib, you have some impressive quads! Any secret leg training strategies you'd like to share with us?
September 8
Motor Units and Mad Libs
While waiting at the DMV for my moped license renewal form, I decided to kill some time with one of my favorite childhood pastimes. No, not chewing tobacco and throwing rocks at whores. I'm talking about that crazy little word game known as Mad Libs.
September 5
In Defense of Overhead Lifting
Everything you need to know about the benefits and the risks of overhead lifts.
September 4
HSS-100: Chest Specialization
Besides meaty arms, the pectorals are probably the best of the "showy" body parts. Somewhere in time (oddly enough at the same time as the rise of Arnold Schwarzenegger), the chest became the ultimate sign of manhood. Thick pecs give a three dimensional look to the upper body, and a well-defined chest makes your torso look like an old Roman soldier's breastplate.
September 1
The Jamie Eason Experience
T Nation talks to fitness bombshell Jamie Eason in this classic interview.
August 30
The Misunderstood Strength Coach
The strength and conditioning field is like no other. Coaches have bitter enemies and die-hard devotees – and sometimes a person will qualify as both depending on the day of the week. There are insane egos and there are humble, incredibly bright coaches who go unnoticed. Finally, there are a lot of coaches who people really don't get.