EPDS: 7 Causes and Cures

Extreme Performance Decline Syndrome (EPDS) sounds like a new social disease, but it really has to do with mid-set fatigue. Ever wonder why you can pump out 12 reps on the first set but then have trouble hitting 6 or 7 reps on the fifth set? Luckily, Joel Marion knows how to boost your performance.

Essential Waterbury

We were going to send Chad to your house, but we couldn't find a shipping container big enough. So, we did the next best thing. This article will allow you to easily construct your very own Waterbury program. Read up, muscle up!

25 Years, 25 Mistakes

Coach Boyle's been dragging his calloused butt through the weighlifting business for 25 years. During that time he's made a few mistakes, but luckily for you whippersnappers, he wants to save you from making those same mistakes.

Two-Day Workout

Between working 40-60 hours per week, carting the kids around, or being forced to take those swing dancing lessons you promised your girlfriend (we've all been there), the last thing on the "to do list" is going to the gym. Mr. G has the answer: the Two-Day Workout.

The Philosophy of Physical Capital

Why do so many lifters follow programs that fail to fit any of their equipment needs, exercise issues, volume or intensity issues, or personality? Dan John calls it the "Cinderella's Stepsister Syndrome." In other words, the shoe don't fit! Here's how to find the right shoe for you. Hopefully, it doesn't have a 6-inch clear plastic heel, you tramp, you.

Unilateral Work for Building Muscle

You probably never thought about it, but most people can't produce as much force using two bilateral limbs to perform an exercise as they can if they perform the exercise with each limb individually and then add together the force of each side. It's called the bilateral deficit and you should take advantage of it to pack on some muscle.

The Hardcore Lunge

It's possibly the best exercise, but nearly everyone does it wrong! In addition to explaining how to troubleshoot your lunge, this article provides enough slick variations of the movement to turn you into a lunging fool.

You're Overtraining!

Damn it! Another one of those articles that forced us to reevaluate what we're doing in the gym! Regardless, we read this article and were both reminded and inspired to go into the gym and rip out one of the best workouts we've had in a long time.

Nautilus, Crossfit, and "HiHi"

Dan John is Testosterone's Yoda, wise as hell but with better skin and a heckuva' lot higher PR in the snatch than the original. However, our Yoda has had his share of Yodas to learn from. Read here as he shares his most valuable weight-lifting lessons.