August 23
The 25 Method
Forget about traditional sets and reps. This method works better and can be used for strength or hypertrophy. Get the programs here.
August 20
12 Truths About Bodybuilding Training
If your main goal is to build big muscles, this is a must read. Check it out.
August 17
The Overhead Shrug
Still doing ordinary shrugs for trapezius development? Ready to crank it up a notch, build some trap size, strengthen your thoracic erectors, and train your stinkin' core? Then add overhead shrugs to your program!
August 16
Hybrid Training: The Prequel
Scot Abel is a bodybuilding anarchist. He doesn't believe in tempo training, pre-determined rest intervals, back-off weeks, or the fact we have elves in the basement that make Metabolic Drive. What he does believe in is pretty cool, though.
August 15
A Simple Method for Improving Hamstrings
They're one of the most difficult muscle groups to develop, but the cure to your underdeveloped hamstrings might lie in the answer to this question: "Which way do you point your toes during a leg curl?"
August 13
7 Coaches Give Their Number 1 Tip
We posed the following question to 7 coaches: "What one thing has made the biggest difference in your training when it comes to putting on muscle?" The answers varied enormously, but one of them might provide the clue you've been waiting for.
August 8
Combos For Power and Size
Combos consist of big-money lifts done in rapid succession. Do them right and you'll muscle up quick, along with building speed and power. Oh yeah, you'll also drop some blubber... assuming your heart doesn't explode.
August 7
Total Strength Program
Boost the big three lifts with supramaximal holds and this plan of action.
August 3
Incline Bench Dumbbell Rows
The Bent-Over Barbell Row is a great exercise, but hardly anybody does it correctly. Most people look like they're having relations with a small farm animal when they do BB rows. Hence the Incline Bench Dumbbell Row.
July 30
Thibaudeau's Words of Wisdom
We dug through the Author's Locker Room and found information gold in them-there hills. So with mule, shovel, and pick ax, we excavated the biggest, best nuggets from Thibaudeau mountain and melted them together to make this bright, shiny article.
July 27
The Drag Curl
Break out of your training rut and build some new biceps mass with the drag curl! It's not easy, you'll look like a gimp doing it, and you'll have to use sissy resistance. What more could you ask for in an exercise?
July 26
Building the Case for Hybrid Training
Bodybuilding guru Scott Abel says that training for hypertrophy, size, thickness, density, and shape is not the same as strength training. If the question is how to gain unadulterated muscle mass, is hybrid training the answer?
July 24
Adrenal Fatigue 101
It's estimated that 80% of the population will someday experience adrenal fatigue. When it comes to lifers, the percentage is probably higher. Jimmy Smith gives you 10 signs of adrenal fatigue, along with how to fix what ails ya.
July 18
15 Things I Thought I Knew
Mike used to like Functional Training. He used to think Mike Mentzer was kind of a bonehead. Now he's not so sure about the former or the latter, along with a whole lot of other things. If his current rate of "unlearning" continues, he soon won't know anything!
July 11
Motivate Lagging Muscles
Thibs lists five reasons why you're not growing (not including the fact that your workout consists of 5 minutes on the Thigh Master you found in your mom's closet). Oh yeah, he also gives some pretty cool quick fixes.
July 10
Naturally Diesel
Jimmy Smith attempts to bring logic, practicality, and good sense to the discipline of bodybuilding. No, really. We're not kidding. This lump actually thinks he can offset years of obfuscation. Oh well, whadda' ya' say we give him a chance?
July 9
Stimulate More Muscle Growth
If you understand your opponent, you can manipulate him and win the battle. Similarly, if you understand why weight lifting builds muscles, you can control those babies and make them do your bidding. Muscle Master Christian tells you how.
July 5
The 9 Keys to Productive Training
So you spend maybe 5 or 6 hours a week in the gym. How much of that time is spent snapping towels or playing the soap dish game in the locker room? If you plan just a little and cut out the wasted time, you might actually build a decent physique.
July 2
3 Ways to Get Big!
Heavy lifting, volume work, and constant tension. Here’s how to program them all for maximum hypertrophy.