The Overhead Shrug

Still doing ordinary shrugs for trapezius development? Ready to crank it up a notch, build some trap size, strengthen your thoracic erectors, and train your stinkin' core? Then add overhead shrugs to your program!

Hybrid Training: The Prequel

Scot Abel is a bodybuilding anarchist. He doesn't believe in tempo training, pre-determined rest intervals, back-off weeks, or the fact we have elves in the basement that make Metabolic Drive. What he does believe in is pretty cool, though.

Thibaudeau's Words of Wisdom

We dug through the Author's Locker Room and found information gold in them-there hills. So with mule, shovel, and pick ax, we excavated the biggest, best nuggets from Thibaudeau mountain and melted them together to make this bright, shiny article.

The Drag Curl

Break out of your training rut and build some new biceps mass with the drag curl! It's not easy, you'll look like a gimp doing it, and you'll have to use sissy resistance. What more could you ask for in an exercise?

Adrenal Fatigue 101

It's estimated that 80% of the population will someday experience adrenal fatigue. When it comes to lifers, the percentage is probably higher. Jimmy Smith gives you 10 signs of adrenal fatigue, along with how to fix what ails ya.

15 Things I Thought I Knew

Mike used to like Functional Training. He used to think Mike Mentzer was kind of a bonehead. Now he's not so sure about the former or the latter, along with a whole lot of other things. If his current rate of "unlearning" continues, he soon won't know anything!

Naturally Diesel

Jimmy Smith attempts to bring logic, practicality, and good sense to the discipline of bodybuilding. No, really. We're not kidding. This lump actually thinks he can offset years of obfuscation. Oh well, whadda' ya' say we give him a chance?