February 8
Sucker Punch: Paul Chek
There are controversial, outspoken people in the health and fitness industry. And then there's Paul Chek.
February 2
Tag Team: Tate and Wendler
What do you do when you have two loud, smart, Elite bad-boys on the phone? You shut the hell up and listen.
January 27
The Tao of Dr. Clay Hyght
The good doctor teaches us some new exercises, defends the sport of bodybuilding, and even mentions the Dalai Lama. Intrigued? So were we.
January 26
Two Kinds of Squats You're Not Doing
The reason you're not doing one of these squats is because it's hard. The reason you're not doing the other is because you probably never thought about it. Check it out.
January 25
Test Your Grit: 3 Challenges
Shake up your workout and take one of these three tough challenges. Ask a friend to join you… or an enemy.
January 22
Fat Loss Edition 2
The T Nation coaches continue their look at a very timely topic – fat loss – this time concentrating on exercise routines!
January 20
Sprinting Towards Single Digit Body Fat
The secret to dropping fat and building a great posterior chain may be just a few hundred meters away. Check out this plan.
January 19
The Five Principles of Radical Fat Loss
Need to lose fat and lose it quickly? This is your guide. Check it out.
January 13
The Body Shop 3
Our resident judge evaluates T NATION readers and shows them how to improve their physiques! This time Clay evaluates a wanna-be competitive bodybuilder and a smoking hot figure competitor.
January 11
Exercise Progressions for Bigger Pulls
Slow down there, Hoss; you can't start pulling heavy weights from the get-go. Let us show you the proper progressions to make your deadlift truly worthwhile.
January 8
The Tao of Cressey
The perfect deadlift, a sample week of training, baseball talk, and Cressey admits to doing curls.
January 6
Unconventional Workout - Biceps
Got a set of biceps that haven't grown since the Clinton years? Well, put down that cigar and start stretching some shirtsleeves.
January 5
DeFranco's Training Rules for Washed-up Meatheads
Attention all meatheads over 30: it's time to break out the rulebook for gaining muscle and unleashing your inner-athlete.
January 4
Timed Circuits
Did all that holiday snacking leave you stretching the seams on your Santa suit? Coach Chris Bathke has what you need to get back into fighting shape, fast.
December 30
Test Your Metal: Introducing Valeria
Powerlifter Tim Henriques combines CrossFit with serious lifting for the ultimate test of strength and conditioning.
December 29
Sucker Punch: Jason Ferruggia
One of the most outspoken trainers in the industry comes out swinging against strength training convention.
December 28
6-Week Back Specialization Program
A strong, dense back is the hallmark of a great body. If yours is lacking, it may be time to specialize. Here’s your plan.
December 24
The 6 Toughest Workouts
Do something different (and painful) today in the gym. Here are six challenging workouts you'll love to hate!
December 22
Blood and Chalk 3
The original Bad Santa reveals the best assistance lifts, the best posterior chain movements, and the merits of the box squat as opposed to the standard squat.