February 8
Too Much Muscle
T Nation talks to Olympic weightlifting coach Glenn Pendlay in this insightful interview. Check it out.
February 4
Yoga, Yes Yoga, For Big Bastards
How a few simple poses can make you a better lifter.
February 3
21st Century Core Training
A chiseled midsection. A strong, functional core. Who says you can't train for both? Here’s how to do it.
January 27
Proper Back Position for Power
One simple adjustment in your lower back position could allow you to start smashing personal records immediately.
January 25
The Four Types of Movements
Simple adjustments to both your style and speed of training can take you closer to your goals, whether you're an MMA fighter or a powerlifter.
January 21
Get More Nerve!
There's one ridiculously simple way to guarantee muscle growth. Are you open-minded enough to try it?
January 20
Iron Evolution – Phase 1
To get strong, listen to a strong guy’s advice. Here’s what you can learn from Dave Tate’s early experiences under the bar.
January 19
Squat Like You Mean It
If you ain't squatting deep, you're just taking up space in our power rack. Here's what you need to get low.
January 14
The Top 10 Unilateral Exercises
Double your muscle building by working one limb at a time? What'chu talkin' 'bout, Wilis?
January 10
Mountain Dog Arms
Want bigger arms? There are four keys things to remember when it comes to training them. Check ‘em out here.
January 6
DeFranco Prowler Training
That which does not kill us makes us stronger... and faster, and bigger, and a hell of a lot tougher. Here’s how to use a pushing sled to get it all.
January 5
Five Loading Protocols That Suck
The pros and cons of five popular set/rep schemes. Check ‘em out.
January 4
World's Simplest Training Template
Most lifters try to progress in strength, hypertrophy, stretching, and conditioning at the same time. Huge mistake! Here's a better way to, well, get better.
January 3
The Return of German Volume Training
German Volume Training works, if you can handle it. Here are the pros and cons.
December 30
Five Exercises You Should Stop Doing... Forever!
Five popular exercises that may be doing you more harm than good. Check out the list.
December 29
12 Weeks to a Better Deadlift
To many in the iron world, how much you can deadlift is the ultimate status symbol. Here's a solid three-month plan to get you on the road to deadlifting respect.
December 28
Ordinary Muscle
Powerlifting's version of Clark Kent shows you how to develop superhuman strength.
December 27
Blood and Chalk 8
Bad Santa is back with a sleigh full of info on unilateral training, winning habits, and how to combine 5/3/1 with bodybuilding.
December 21
Rule Number One: Do What Works
Man up and discover the training program that works best for your body. Here’s how.