November 7
Practical Guide to GPP
General physical preparedness is the key to outstanding performance. Here's how to set-up a program that sets you up for success.
November 4
4 Reasons Why You're Not Making Progress
Training slumps are inevitable. But there’s a reason they happen. Here’s what’s causing yours, and what to do about it.
November 3
Step-by-Step Approach to Coming Back From An Injury
Injuries are as much a part of the iron game as plates, dumbbells, and chalk. Here’s what to do when it happens.
November 1
Squatmeggedon - All Things Squatting
There's more to squatting than just getting under a heavy bar and popping a couple of blood vessels in your eye. Here are a few little-known variations of the king of lifts.
October 31
5 Surefire Steps to Setting Goals
Here's a fast and effective way to get on the path to success.
October 28
Sandbags For Strength
Forget the fancy training tools. This dirty sucker is as basic and effective as they come.
October 27
Muscle Specific Hypertrophy: Biceps, Back, and Lower Body
Don't read this unless you want to get bummed out about how you've been training the wrong grips, rep ranges, and exercises for your biceps, your back, and your entire lower body.
October 26
Weightlifting Versus Powerlifting
Whether you're new to lifting or a seasoned strength trainer looking to take up competition, understanding the difference is critical.
October 25
Mountain Dog Training for Intermediates
John Meadows’ style of training is typically used by only very advanced lifters. Here’s how to make it work for you if you’re a mere mortal.
October 24
Blood and Chalk 11
Wendler talks plyo, bands, chains, the safety squat bar, the thumbless grip, and taking accessory lifts to failure.
October 20
Dumbbell Floor Presses for Strength, Size, and Health
Master this exercise and you’ll build some new muscle and maybe even fix your nagging shoulder pain.
October 19
Front Squats Made Easier
Five tips and drills to help you front squat more effectively and take your training to the next level.
October 18
Max Strength, Minimal Equipment
Here's a Westside-influenced strength-building program to make you maximally strong while using minimal toys.
October 14
Muscle Specific Hypertrophy: Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders
Understanding the science of sets, reps, and muscle-specific fiber composition will make you sound smarter. Going to the gym and applying that knowledge will make you bigger.
October 13
Olympic Lifts and Dumbbells
You often need specialized equipment to do the Olympic lifts, but that's not the case with these dumbbell variations.
October 12
Straightforward Knee Rehab
Few injuries are as debilitating as knee pain. Here's what to do when yours strikes.
October 11
Surprising Reasons Why You're Tight and Weak
Do your tight muscles need more stretching or just better stretches? Find out here.
October 10
Why You Need More Strength
Speed training or maximal training? What's the difference and why is knowing the difference important?
October 7
Weekend Training for the Busy Guy
Here's a basic, balls-out program that works around the busy guy’s life.