December 15
The Best Damn Bench Press Article Period
Everything you ever wanted to know about the bench press. If you don't come away from this with at least a dozen ways to beef up your bench, you didn't read carefully enough.
December 13
Gruesome Tales from the Garage
Horrible setbacks can happen when you're pursuing strength. Are these stories horrific, or are they inspiring?
December 12
Iron Evolution – Phase 7
When Dave Tate retired from powerlifting, he was a physical wreck. So he took matters into his own hands and came up with an unorthodox cure.
December 9
Quantifying the Farmer's Walk
The farmer's walk is as old school as it gets – just grab a pair of heavy weights and walk! But with just a few technical tweaks, you can take the farmer's walk to the next level of safety and effectiveness.
December 7
The Contreras Files: Volume I
Glute activation, hip hinging, bench pressing, and why sometimes you should train like someone is going to shoot your family.
December 5
Get That Squat Up!
Leg presses and extensions will build the legs, but if you want to be a masterful squatter you need to get under the bar. Follow this plan.
December 2
Bench presses? Chin-ups? Push presses? Those are all great, but this gymnastics staple is worth mastering too. Here’s why and how to do it.
December 1
The Snatch Grip Deadlift
It's a fact: the exercises that make you hate life the most also tend to deliver the best results. If you're in serious need of a hamstring overhaul, then this article is a great (although painful) place to start.
November 30
Hardcore Hinging for Hamstrings
Want huge hamstrings? Try these little-known exercises that only the strong guys have been using… until now.
November 29
5 Simple Tips for Bigger Tugs
Cool ways to drive up your deadlift numbers, fast.
November 28
How to Look Freakin' Awesome
Using simple formulas, Romaniello has come up with the clearest definition of “looking awesome” yet. You have to check this out to see where you stand!
November 25
Perfect Pulling Exercises for a Bigger Back
The best exercises for building a big, strong back and the best way to perform them. Check it out.
November 24
Time to Up Your Pull-Ups
You need to be able to do multiple pull-ups with your own body weight. Not there yet? This should help.
November 23
The Fat-Loss 4 Workout Protocol
How to lose the flab while maintaining all your hard-earned muscle and strength.
November 16
12 Tips to Tune the Nervous System
The nervous system is powerful and mysterious. Here are some practical tips for getting charged up or chilled out.
November 15
How to Build Any Muscle Group
The 30-Rep Method, 5 Minutes of Hell, the boxer drill, and more scientific but outside-the-box thinking from one of weightlifting's revolutionaries.
November 14
Up Your Work Capacity
How to build a bigger gas tank to power through your most demanding training.
November 10
Strength Training: College Edition
The best years are often the college years. If you follow a smart training program like this one, they can also be your best muscle-building years.
November 9
10-Minute Sets
Timed sets are a simple, effective, and extremely painful way to build work capacity and serious muscle, fast.