January 19
Mastering the Snatch
The snatch is one of the toughest Olympic lifting movements to learn, but this guide will get you started.
January 18
The 7 Step Program For Getting Strong
There's no secret recipe for getting strong, just a few time-tested tips that nearly every strong guy does. Here they are.
January 12
Break Up Those Hips and Fix That Squat
Loosen up those hips and fix your lame-ass squats. Here's how.
January 11
Radical Methods of Injury Rehabilitation
Forget everything your gym teacher taught you about rehabbing an injury. Here are some controversial approaches to healing fast, starting from the bottom up.
January 9
Why I Love the Smith Machine
Everyone says the Smith machine is awful, but a lot of bodybuilders use it… and they’re bigger than you. Here’s why it’s not so bad and how to use it wisely.
January 6
Don't Let Sickness Derail Your Progress
What to do when the cold and flu hits and, more importantly, how to prevent illness to begin with.
January 5
11 Training Tips for the Skinny Fat Ectomorph
Skinny fat: it's the perfect storm of piss-poor male physical characteristics. Here's what to do if you were dealt this bum hand.
January 4
The One Arm Push-Up
The easy-peasy push-up gets a heck of a lot more challenging once you remove a hand from the equation. Here are some tips on mastering this old-school feat of strength.
January 3
The Nutritional Dr. House: Case 1
Bodybuilding's Dr. House applies his nutritional knowledge and insight to cure a lifter who's lost his will to lift.
January 2
8 Bad-Ass Bench Press Tips
Here are 8 tips pulled from some of the sport's top pressers that will have you hitting new PRs in no time.
December 30
Make Your Routine Less Routine
Variety doesn't have to mean replacing the basics with Bosu balls and Zumba classes. Try this to shake things up.
December 29
One Shrug to Rule Them All
A beastly set of traps is a sign of a serious lifter, but too much shrugging can cause postural problems down the line. Is there a perfect trap exercise that builds a serious yoke, without the drawbacks? Check this out.
December 28
Troubleshoot the Front Squat
Here are some tips that'll help you master this hated lift. You might even learn to love it.
December 27
21st Century Supersets
A modern twist on a classic method that will get you bigger, leaner, and stronger. What's not to love about that?
December 26
Cleans and Snatches Made Easier
You don’t have to be an Olympian to do these. If you want to burn fat, increase power, and gain athleticism, master these lifts.
December 22
The Bottom-Up Squat
Does starting your squats from the bottom position make a great exercise even better? Check this out.
December 21
7 Reasons Everyone Should do a Powerlifting Meet
Stepping onto the platform reveals a lot more than just how strong you are. Here’s why you should consider entering a powerlifting meet.
December 20
Half-Pulls – Not Half-Assed
Here's a partial-range pulling program that will get your full deadlifts moving in the right direction.
December 19
More 3rd World Workouts
You don't need fancy equipment to stay fit or get stronger. Even in the most dire circumstances. Check this out.