February 29
The Contreras Files: Volume III
Curls with kettlebells, how to cluster-train with deadlifts, the truth behind upper and lower abs, new research on how muscle works, and much more.
February 27
Powerful Reasons to Use a Workout Log
The secret to long-term gains isn't a special exercise or magic supplement, and it costs less than five bucks a year.
February 22
Is the Leg Press Worthless?
Some say that the leg press is worthless compared to the squat. Here’s the truth.
February 20
Fine Tuning the Basics: Back Training
Awesome variations on back exercises, plus a hugely inspirational video feature of Dave Tate doing deadlifts with chains.
February 17
7 Things I Learned in 2011
How to make sweet, sweet, love to a ball and other wonderful lessons learned by Eric Cressey in the past year.
February 16
Scorch Muscle With the Dubreuil Effect
It’s a plan only for true muscle masochists. It was first proposed in Iron Man magazine in 1976. We know why it didn't get popular – it hurt too much.
February 15
Sure-fire Way to Learn the Clean
Cleans are for anyone who wants to get bigger, stronger, and more athletic. Here's a step-by-step guide for mastering it.
February 14
6 Secrets for a Supreme Squat
Squatting like a champion is as simple as learning these six tips, adapting some specific exercises, and watching some great videos.
February 13
Shoulders and Triceps Blast
A 6-week routine filled with heavy weights, drop sets, and 100-rep muscle burners. You ready?
February 10
6 Tips from 6 Coaches
Six strength coaches explain what they changed about their training and nutrition. Here's what you can learn from what they learned.
February 9
Exercises Saved From the Dumpster
Kettlebells, Turkish getups, loaded carries and deadlifts. Here's why one coach went from avoiding them to becoming an avid fan.
February 7
The 6-Week Sprinting Solution
An interval training program that will radically alter your conditioning, increase endurance and power, and help you drop body fat. Get it here.
February 6
Reaching Your Potential in the Big 3
Everybody wants to add more wheels to their squat, bench, and deadlift. But sometimes it's the little things that trip us up. Give this a read and start hitting some PR's.
February 3
How to Perform the Human Flag
Circus trick or testament to full-body strength? Either way, it sure looks cool. Here's how to nail this movement in record time.
February 2
How to Modulate Intensity
The smart lifter’s guide to intensity, from neural efficiency to myofibrilar hypertrophy.
January 27
7 Principles of Exercise Selection
If you're not as strong or as jacked as you want to be, there's probably a very simple reason for it: You're doing the wrong exercises. Check this out.
January 26
6 Questions About Tempo Training
When should you use tempo training and why? Mike Robertson answers these and other questions about this often-neglected component of strength and muscle building.
January 25
The Clean High Pull
Increase muscular power and overall athleticism with this challenging, yet fun, lift.
January 23
The Truth About the Bench Press
What's the purpose of a big bench? Does the strength displayed there actually translate into real-life athleticism and pushing power? Find out here.