April 3
9 Strategies to Train Around Lower Body Pain
Keeping the tibia vertical, increasing hip flexor length, step-ups, and other novel tricks to fix those bum knees.
April 2
My Favorite Upper Body Lift
How Jim Wendler went from overhead pressing 95 pounds to 300 pounds.
March 30
Nonlinear Periodization for Size and Strength
Manipulate your training to accommodate for how you feel on a given day. If strict programming has been holding you back, do this instead.
March 29
Rise of the Cardio Machines
Here are some innovative ways to get a kick-ass conditioning workout at the boring old commercial gym.
March 27
21 Exercises For Injury Free Mass
Injured? Here’s what you need to know to keep training, keep your gains, and get better.
March 26
6 Specialty Bars for Strength and Size
A conventional barbell is fine, but if that's all you use you're missing out on strength gains and a little novelty. Change your bar to improve your training.
March 23
Stretching is B.S.
Stretching... it doesn't decrease soreness, prevent injury, or even improve your performance. The truth has been stretched too far for too long. Let's put it in its place.
March 22
The Power of 3 Program
A simple yet highly effective 3-day-a-week program that cuts out all the B.S. and gets you super strong.
March 21
5 Training Strategies for Fuller Muscles
Flat muscles are small muscles. Do your gains a favor and jack them up like this.
March 20
Disable Your Size and Strength Governor
Start realizing your true physical potential. Use these full-body workouts to maximize training frequency and increase work capacity.
March 19
Bands For Size and Strength
How to use bands to get bigger benches, stronger squats, and add pounds of new mass - in just a few months!
March 16
Single-Leg Training Modifications for Knee Pain
Got knee pain? Don’t skip leg day. Use these single-leg lifts to build your legs and strengthen your knees.
March 15
An Interview with Dr. Stuart McGill - Part 2
The interview concludes with a fascinating discussion of sit-ups, rotational strength, and a much more precise definition of "core."
March 13
Going From Point A to Point B
Figuring out what point B is, the problems with goal setting, and realistic body fat percentages.
March 8
An Interview with Dr. Stuart McGill - Part 1
The world famous spine expert puts the whole spinal flexion, rounding-the-back issue to rest, along with describing the proper way to train core rotation and much more.
March 7
You Don't Have to be a Loser
Overcome your average genetics. Quit complaining, read this, and make gains like never before.
March 6
A New Take on 5 Things
Cardio, functional training, and mobility. Check out this fresh take on the stuff lifters love to hate.
March 5
Iron Evolution – Phase 8
How does a broken-down powerlifter turn himself into a jacked-up bodybuilder? He gets help from three top coaches.
March 2
Freakish Strength With Proper Core Training
Why bracing is better than hollowing; how to do pelvic floor contractions; how to breathe during a heavy lift; and lots more.