May 7
The New Old-School Circuit Training
Take circuit training to a new level of muscle size and strength development with this old school throwback.
May 4
Freaky Forearm Training
Thick, strong forearms not only complete the physique, they help you move more weight and perform better. Here's everything you need to know about grip training.
May 3
7 Shoulder-Friendly Pressing Variations
Here are 7 ways to build heroic pecs without making your shoulders beg for mercy.
May 2
Deadlift or Squat: What's the Diff?
The difference between squats and deadlifts and all the variations of each is a lot less than what you might have been led to believe.
April 30
4 Simple Leg Workouts for Growth
They’re simple, but they’re not easy. Check out the workouts that’ll cure your flamingo legs.
April 27
The Dragon Flag
Forget all these fancy core exercises. Here's an old-school classic that will hammer your core into submission.
April 26
Single-Leg Training Put To the Test
Enough theorizing and debating - what really happens when a squat-loving lifter abandons bilateral lifts for single-leg versions?
April 24
Big Without Strong is Nothing
The road to a massive body that sports its own zip code begins with simply getting stronger. Here's a minimalist approach to getting maximal results.
April 23
The Walk On
From walk-on to scholarship football player - a guide to achieving your dream, whatever it is.
April 19
The Return of Aerobic Work
Steady state aerobic exercise makes you slow, fat, and weak. Or is that belief just holding you back? Check out this info.
April 18
7 Triple Threat Protocols for an Awesome Burn
A simple yet exciting way to spice up your old workout to stimulate new growth and burn fat.
April 17
My Favorite Upper Body Warm-Up
Wanna know the best warm-up for heavy lifting? Ask a powerlifting coach. Like this one.
April 16
Training Clarity: One Goal at a Time
The barbell can accomplish just about any fitness goal - just not all at the same time. Here's how to add a method to this training madness.
April 13
Cardio for Strength Athletes
Can a big, strong guy do cardio without losing an ounce of size or strength? Check this out!
April 11
A Comeback for Lat Pulldowns?
Pulldowns are only for people who can’t do pull-ups, right? Well, maybe not. Here are a few very effective ways to do it.
April 10
Get Your Mind Right!
Your brain determines your success as much as your muscles. Here's how to make sure that blob of gray matter doesn't get the best of you.
April 9
A Letter to My Younger Self
What Jim Wendler would say to his teenaged self about training, conditioning, and life could be exactly what you need to hear right now.
April 6
Deadlift Assistance 911
Some great unexpected exercises and techniques to pull your deadlift out of its hole.
April 5
Your Cardio Makes No Sense
Is puking on your shoes really improving your conditioning? Here's a scientific approach to building the aerobic and anaerobic systems.