June 18
Iron Evolution – Phase 9
Thirty years of iron work ends at the top of the mountain - with the Mountain Dog.
June 13
The Answer for Massive Calves
To build a set of standout calves, you need to think outside the box. Here’s how.
June 11
A Strong Case For the Rounded Back Deadlift
Always pull with a neutral spine. Well, maybe not always. Info here.
June 8
Barbell Rows for Batwings
The author looks at some of the finer points of the greatest barbell back builder of all time, along with providing some variations.
June 7
How I Really Train
So how does a strength training legend actually train, day in, day out? We asked coach Dan John. Here’s what he had to say.
June 6
A Training Program For Hormone Optimization
Is there an ideal way to structure your training to get the most out of your hormones? Yep. Check this out.
June 5
Timed Arm Blast
Forget about counting reps! Do your biceps and triceps sets for time instead!
June 4
Heavy Lessons
A long-time strength coach finally enters a powerlifting meet. Here's what you can learn from his experiments.
June 1
5 Indoor Cardio Drills For Tough Guys
Five ways to get your cardio in that actually won’t bore you to death.
May 30
Effective Training for Busy Men
Life has this annoying habit of interfering, but that doesn't mean training should get put on the back burner.
May 29
Supersets for Super Results
Supersets can increase strength, improve joint health, and promote left-right symmetry. Oh yeah, and build muscle! Try these workouts.
May 28
My Shoulder Hurts: The Finest Whine
Want healthy shoulders? Rethink your overhead pressing, bench to chin-up ratio, spinal mobility, and more. Here's how to find the culprit and fix it.
May 23
Armor Building
Training is what toughens you up for what's to come. Here's how to build your armor before you need it.
May 22
10 Forgotten Tips for Smarter Lifting
Mike Robertson wants to remind you to do some of the great stuff you used to, but may have forgotten about.
May 18
The Definition of an Expert
Everybody is an expert today… except they’re really not. Here’s how to separate the experts from the fakers.
May 16
4 Steps to Fix Your Triceps
Your quest for big, strong arms can get stopped in its tracks if you suffer a triceps injury. Here's how to prevent it.
May 15
Sure-fire Way to Learn the Snatch
Learning this Olympic lifting staple isn't nearly as hard as it looks, you just need a simple step-by-step approach like this.
May 11
Hard Ab Training
A quick and dirty old-school routine you can do in 6 to 10 minutes.
May 10
Training Variations for Mass Gain
How to train like a strength or power athlete in any gym with basic equipment.