July 26
Unleash the Power of the Jump Squat
Disable your strength limits and unleash your true power potential by learning this forgotten old school ass kicker.
July 25
Cobra Traps and Cannon Ball Delts
Jacked delts and traps are undeniably awesome to look at, and they help protect the shoulders from injury. Make yours bigger and stronger. Start here.
July 23
Get Your Press Up!
600-pound benchers may be forgiven for not focusing on the press. Your narrow ass, on the other hand, has no excuses. Here’s why you need to do it.
July 20
Demolish Your Genetic Limits
Building muscle gets tougher to do as you reach your genetic limit. Here are 5 simple ways to expand your muscle growth potential.
July 18
Getting Big Through TUT
Time to cut the crap and build some serious muscle with these scientifically-backed training methods.
July 17
Back Blast for the Tragically Latless
A little science combined with some sweat equity and a great program can make the most stubborn lats grow. Check this out.
July 13
My Favorite Lower Body Warm-up
Forget the 45-minute warm-up routines - here's how to get set for your next squat or deadlifting session with just a few moves.
July 12
5 Tips to Dominate the Deadlift
Five simple tips to help you start pulling some serious weight. Check ‘em out.
July 10
Figuring Out Your Life and Lifting Goals
How combining the threads of training, career, and family can make for a full, fit life.
July 9
Shoulder Rehab, Wendler Style
An effective shoulder rehab plan needs to be intelligent, slow, and methodical. Check out this one by Jim Wendler.
July 6
Man Up and Military Press
Just put the bar over your head and do the military press. Easy enough, but not many people actually do it today. Here’s why...
July 5
Symmetry Training for Size and Strength
Logical, sure-fire methods to make sure your right side and your left side look like they belong to the same person.
July 4
7 Squat Tips from Coach Nick
Best squat stance, high-bar versus low-bar, contrast training, 7/4/7 squats, and much more from Nick T.
July 3
Little Known, Controversial Deadlift Tips
Rolling the bar, keeping the chin up, and other tips towards getting a mighty big pull.
July 2
Ten Thousand Swings to Fat Loss
What happens when you perform a thousand kettlebell swings a day for ten days? Some pretty amazing things actually. Check this out.
June 29
This is How I Train
It's not the exercises, sets, or reps. The most important part of a training program is knowing what your needs and goals are.
June 26
9 Reasons to Olympic Lift For a Better Physique
Olympic lifting makes you stronger, faster, and sexier, but can it also get you jacked? Here’s what you need to know.
June 21
Rotating Your Lifts for New Levels of Strength
The best exercises for building size and strength are the one's you haven't adapted to yet. Here's how to stay one step ahead of your body.
June 20
Fillers: Pairing Strength with Mobility
Doing dozens of mobility drills is boring. Here's how tactically using just a few in between big lifts can make you bigger and stronger.