October 18
The Biggest Exercise in Bodybuilding
Can you do 12 reps of clean and press with a pair of 75-pound dumbbells? It's been a test of strength since the 1930s.
October 16
Train Like A Man 7
Some exercises should go extinct. They do nothing for your strength, health, or hypertrophy. Here's what should take their place.
October 15
Tough or Reasonable?
Which are better, tough diets and tough workouts or reasonable diets and reasonable workouts? Maybe you need to mix and match a little.
October 12
Dumbbells For Massive Legs
Dumbbells aren't just for upper body lifts. Add variation to your lower body training with these kick-butt dumbbell exercises.
October 11
Bench More to Bench More
Forget overtraining. One of the most effective ways to bench press more weight is to bench press more often.
October 8
Iron Evolution: Reflections – Part 2
Dave Tate talks about injuries, nutrition, technique, peri-workout nutrition, and in general, busting your balls in the gym.
October 5
Give Your Back a Raise
You need a strong lower back to move serious weight and not get injured. Here are some cool exercises to help get you there.
October 4
The 6 Most Common Snatch Mistakes
The snatch is an awesome lift, if you know how to do it. Eliminate these 6 rookie mistakes and start hurling some serious weight.
October 2
A Yearly Strength Plan
Tim Henriques' total was stuck at 1400 for over two years. The plan he outlines in this article got him up to 1600 in a relatively short time.
October 1
Iron Evolution: Reflections – Part 1
The next phase in Dave's iron evolution is helping others, and he's starting with you.
September 28
Becoming A Personal Trainer
Have the recent economic woes led you to consider becoming a personal trainer? You should read this first.
September 27
Functional Bodybuilding
Some people think hypertrophy isn't functional. Here's why those people are dead wrong.
September 26
Cool Rowing Movements
Heavy and hard rows should be a mainstay in your program, but why limit yourself to just barbells and dumbbells?
September 25
Olympic Lifting Made Simple
A tested program that will quickly get you dominating on the Olympic lifting platform.
September 24
Train Like A Man 6
How to wake up those glutes and train them like a man.
September 21
A Pain-Free Pec Program
Some guys have anemic pec development simply because benching heavy hurts too much. Here's your fix.
September 20
5 Mistakes That Killed My Progress
Caffeine overloads, tragic neglect of kettlebells, wayward experimentation, and other mistakes that made coach Bumgardner the butt of cruel jokes.
September 19
5 Tips For A Bigger, Badder, Overhead Press
You don't have to go through life overhead pressing candy-ass weights. Here are 5 tips to get you moving some serious iron.
September 18
Are Heavy Kettlebell Swings Better Than Deadlifts?
Heavy kettlebell swings could be the best damn posterior chain exercise you're not doing, possibly even better than deadlifts! Here's why.