February 7
Smart Overhead Pressing
A litany of shoulder exercises that both fix AND build your shoulders.
February 6
In Search of the Perfect Rep
Tips on getting the most out of the deadlift, pull-up, and bent-over row.
February 4
3 Experts - 5 Optimal Training Programs
Three experts devise training programs for 5 different body parts. If there’s something you want to build, start with one of these plans.
February 1
7 More Tweaks To Make Your Exercises More Evil
They're still your favorite exercises, just tweaked a bit to make them that much more painful - and productive.
January 31
8 Things I Learned in 2012
The most successful coaches stay on top cause they never stop learning. Here's what one of the best learned last year.
January 30
The 5 Key Principles
Goal setting requires an ongoing assessment. Here's what lifters should know about making it from point A to point B.
January 29
A Power Clean Primer For Beginners
A beautiful, logical, and simple step-by-step guide to doing power cleans.
January 24
Maximal Leg Development
You won’t build your legs if you don’t pay attention to the angle of your torso or tibias. Here’s what to do for bigger, harder wheels.
January 23
Learn Only 1 Lesson in 2013
Nate Miyaki says to forget the resolutions, forget the endless string of magical diet and training tips; all you need to do is learn one simple lesson.
January 22
6 Coaches Weigh in on Chest Training
What’s the best way to build your chest? The experts reveal their most powerful tips.
January 21
2012 in Review
Forget the crappy "things I learned" lists being spammed at you on Facebook. Here are some real lessons to help you.
January 17
The 600-Pound Deadlift Textbook
Ready to pull 600 off the floor? Here’s how one lifter did it and what he learned along the way.
January 16
How to Get to 20 Chin-Ups
Lots of guys can pump out 20. Of course, their range of motion is so short, it looks more like they're convulsing than actually doing legitimate chin-ups. Here's how to change that.
January 11
3 Steps to Getting Your Girl to Train
There's nothing sexier than a fit, confident, strong woman. Here's how to turn your cardio queen into a T Vixen.
January 10
Dangerous Exercises
Are the four exercises listed here worth the risk? See for yourself.
January 9
8 Tips From an 800-Pound Bencher
The soft-pause technique, extended ROM presses, the induction method, and other tips from a monster bench presser. Check ‘em out.
January 8
The Most Effective Way To Build Muscle
If you're looking to optimize your hypertrophy training while taking your strength to new levels, follow these guidelines.
January 7
Why I Train
Why do we hit the weights day after day to get stronger or build more muscle? Here are three reasons you can probably relate to.
January 4
An Explosive Squat Is a Bigger Squat
12-week squat program that's all about through-the-roof explosiveness.