May 1
Westside for Fat Bastards
Here's how to lose fat while staying super strong.
April 30
A Simple Way to Grow Legs
Build big legs. Hug a puking pail. Hate your life. Who could ask for anything more in a training program? Check it out.
April 23
3 Questions For Better Workouts
Ask yourself these three important questions and you’ll be able to choose better workouts for your goals.
April 19
Screw Exercise Variation!
How important is exercise variation really? According to this coach, not very. Check out his reasoning.
April 18
2 Big Mistakes
Lifting that's effective becomes lifting that's enjoyable. Make it so with this crucial advice.
April 17
How to Build Size and Strength Simultaneously
Building strength and size at the same time isn't crazy; in fact, it's smart. Here's a smart, easy-to-follow workout that will make it happen.
April 15
Rippetoe Throws Down
The difference between exercising and training… and why you need to know it.
April 11
3 Techniques for Serious Strength
Stimulate the neurological/myofibril connection to accelerate strength and muscle gains. Here’s how.
April 10
The Nordic Hamstring Attack
Not many people even know about this effective hamstring exercise. Do you? Check it out.
April 9
4 Things to Steal From CrossFit
Hating on CrossFit is trendier than those hipster Ray-Bans your aunt bought you. There are some aspects of CrossFit that deserve your attention, however.
April 8
Deadstop Training Revisited
If you're searching for a way to smash a strength plateau in a hurry, try deadstop training. Here’s how to do it.
April 4
5 by 5 by 5 in 25
The best workout delivers the greatest impact in the shortest time. If you're short on time but still want serious gains, try this.
April 2
Powerlifting: The Definitive Guide
At some point, every strong guy wants to test his mettle in competition. Here's everything you need to know to make your first powerlifting meet a success!
April 1
4-Week Radical Re-Inflation Plan
Rapid changes in body composition require extreme approaches. This program isn't easy. But for putting on size fast, it's crazy smart.
March 28
Top 5 Hamstring Exercises
Chances are, your hamstrings are lagging. That’s because leg curls aren't one the of best hamstring exercises. Here's the list of the best.
March 27
McCallum's High Protein, High Set Program
A great program from the past for getting stronger, bigger, and leaner.
March 22
6 Ways to be Like an Iron Yoda
Make long-term progress in the gym while maintaining long-term sanity. Here’s how.
March 21
6 Stronger Bench Exercises
Most benchers have one of four problems. Here are six innovative fixes.
March 20
Nothing Beats Single-Leg Training
If you're not doing any single-leg work, you're leaving a lot of size and strength gains on the table. Here’s why.