June 6
Get Bigger and Stronger, Even Banged Up
Losers use injuries as excuses to be lazy. Winners find ways to work around them. Here are 17 tips for wounded winners.
June 5
4 Weightlifting Myths Destroyed
These training myths do more harm than good. Ditch the dogma and get stronger today.
June 3
Master the Squat
900-pound squatter Dave Tate shows you how to smash your squat plateau... if you can handle it.
May 31
Twice-a-Week Lifting For Convicts
Train only two times per week and make progress. Not possible? If your training methodologies are solid, it can be done. Here’s how.
May 30
Rack Hip Thrusts
Hips thrusts are ridiculous looking and uncomfortable. But they're also highly effective. Here's a better way to do them.
May 29
Best Grips for Faster Gains
Don't just grip it and rip it. The right hand position can help you build muscle and strength. Here’s what you need to know.
May 28
Fake Strength: Stop Arching the Bench Press
Re-think the big arch for bench pressing. It doesn't create any real strength, and admit it: it's cheating. Here’s why.
May 27
Rear Delt Destroyer Sets
If your rear delts suck, then your entire upper body looks weak. Here's how to fix them.
May 24
Injured? Squat and Deadlift Anyway
Don't let an injury keep you from doing the big lifts. With these variations, you won't lose an ounce of muscle size or strength.
May 23
Heavy Ab Training
Being lean isn't enough. You must choose the right kind of training and go heavy for hypertrophied, punch-proof abs.
May 22
Kettlebells for Size and Strength
Double kettlebell training for front squat, military press, and clean and snatch.
May 21
Grow, Ectomorph, Grow
Naturally skinny? Here's how to finally gain some shirt-stretching muscle.
May 16
7 Movements For Mass
To build strength and mass, you need a steady diet of variations of these basic, heavy exercises.
May 15
The Magic of Cluster Sets
A fresh look at a very old way to get big and strong. If you feel like you leave the gym not having worked hard enough, this method is for you.
May 14
4 Maxims For Squatting Excellence
Four squatting rules that will fix your form and help you set a new PR fast.
May 13
The Novelty Workout
While variety is good – even necessary – too much of it derails your progress. Here’s what you need to know.
May 9
15 Lessons From Deadlifting 500 Pounds
Great. Another article that makes you question everything you're doing. Oh well, at least there are plenty of tips that we can start using right away.
May 8
Improve Your Pull Instantly
One simple but highly effective deadlifting tip that you probably haven't tried before.
May 6
7 Reasons to Squat Like a Man
Seven great reasons to go deep.