September 23
Muscle Snatch for Strength and Power
The muscle snatch is an Olympic-style lift that doesn't need much coaching. You just grip it and rip it. Here’s how.
September 20
Squat, Deadlift & Bench Options for Big Gains
Always going heavy on the Big 3 can lead to injury and stagnation. Here how to lighten your loads and keep getting better.
September 19
Are Bulgarian Squats Superior to Regular Squats?
Could the Bulgarian squat be better than the King of Exercises? Ben Bruno makes his case.
September 18
5 Critical Training Mistakes
How many of the following training mistakes do you make on a regular basis? The answer may shame you.
September 17
In Defense of Deficit Deadlifts
Is the deficit deadlift a dangerous exercise, or is it a safe way to build super strength? Answer here.
September 16
Reactive Pump Hypertrophy
Stimulate growth and recovery with this unique training system. Get the complete program here, free.
September 13
The Single-Lift-A-Day Workout
A simple, brutal program for both size and strength. Check it out.
September 12
The Strict Curl for Max Weight
You need to set PRs in the strict curl. Here's a program that'll have you curling train axles in no time.
September 11
The 5 Most Beneficial Exercises
The best exercise isn't the one that hurts the most, but the one that has the greatest benefit compared to its costs.
September 10
9 Great Ideas to Improve Your Workouts
How to get the most out of rep schemes, your workouts, and your programming.
September 5
Real Core Training: Offset Loading
How adding more weight to one side of the body can help you smash even the most stubborn plateaus.
September 4
6 Exercises For Stress-Free Gains
You need more volume to get big, but too much volume can mess you up. Here are 6 great movements that won't trash your CNS.
September 2
Add 100 Pounds to Your Squat
Regular paused squats are tough, but breathing paused squats take the pain - and the results - to the next level.
August 28
Big Forearms, Crushing Grip
Building menacing forearms and developing a bar-bending grip require two unique approaches. Here's how to get both.
August 27
The 2 Minute Injury Fix
Compression wrapping is an inexpensive way to treat those troublesome knees, wrists, and elbows. Here's how to do it.
August 26
The Fallacy of High-Rep Olympic Lifting
High-rep Olympic lifting is rising in popularity largely do to CrossFit. But is it a smart way to train?
August 23
Deadly Deadlift Supersets
These deadlift supersets will hammer your weak points while still letting you crank reps where you're strong.
August 21
Expose Your Weaknesses to Get Strong!
Targeting weak links builds strength, helps you achieve structural balance, and prolongs your lifting career. Here’s how to do it.
August 20
7 Hard Truths About Lifting
Here are seven training tenets that have worked for over 30 years. Have you adopted them all?