December 4
Advanced Deadlift Programming
If your deadlift is stuck, you need more than a new exercise or technique cue to get it moving. You need a system.
December 2
CrossFit: The Good, Bad, and the Ugly
CrossFit is the greatest thing ever to happen to barbell training, except for all the awful parts of it.
November 29
Kickstand Back Squats
Check out this single-leg movement that provides all the benefits of unilateral work while still allowing you to go heavy.
November 26
Louie Simmons on Explosive Lockouts
A lack of explosiveness has killed many a deadlift at lockout, and no one knows how to fix it like Louie Simmons.
November 25
Turning Pro: 7 Mind Hacks
An amateur has amateur habits, while a professional has professional habits. Which category describes you?
November 22
Trouble with the Tilt - Correcting APT
Your gut and butt perpetually protrude and your deadlift PR won't budge. Sounds like you have anterior pelvic tilt. Here’s how to fix it.
November 21
The 6 Toughest Leg Press Variations
The leg press is no slouch when it comes to building leg size, especially when you use these thigh-splitting variations.
November 15
Manual Resistance Flyes for a Massive Chest
Regular dumbbell flyes can cause pec or biceps tears. For thicker pecs, try this smart variation on for size.
November 14
Advanced 21s for Hypertrophy
A classic biceps-building technique popularized by Arnold gets a 21st century reboot that you can apply to the whole body.
November 13
Rest-Pause Training, Prison-Style
Rest-pause training will help you bust through strength plateaus while experiencing a T-shirt tearing pump. Here’s how do it.
November 12
Train Your Calves Every Day
Got calves? Probably not. That's because you have to work them every day to get them to grow.
November 11
Build Muscle With Heavy Singles
Heavy singles build strength, but they can also build freakish size if you know how to combine 3 different growth factors.
November 8
Is Time Under Tension a Crock?
Slow-tempo sets extend the duration of a set and hurt like hell the next day, but they ignore important growth triggers.
November 7
19 Squat & Deadlift Variations
Find the most effective variations of the squat and the deadlift to fit your body and your goals.
November 4
3 Mistakes That Limit Your Gains
If your muscle-building progress has stalled, you're probably focusing on the wrong things, or simply not working hard enough.
October 31
Supercharge Your Shoulders to Lift Heavier
Do this simple test on your shoulders, apply the easy fixes, and watch as your bench, pull-ups, and press explode.
October 30
Change Your Thinking, Build Your Body
Start bending bars and setting personal records just by opening up your mind to a few new ideas.
October 29
No-Nonsense Warm-Ups for Big Lifters
Take your lifting preparation as seriously as you take your lifting. That doesn't mean you have to devote half an hour to it. Here's what to do instead.
October 25
Upper/Lower Circuit Training
Drop tubs of lard off your waistline while maintaining or even gaining lean mass with weight training circuits.