January 9
How to Use Linear Periodization
Legendary lifters used linear progression to break records. It's time to revisit that proven method.
January 8
5 Strategies for Choosing Exercises
Forget sets, reps, or percentages. Picking the most effective exercises is the foundation for success.
January 7
Explode Your Deadlift
The difference between a stalled deadlift and a new PR is explosiveness. Here's how to start pulling like a pro.
January 3
The One-Bar Warm-Up
Here's a unique warm-up that uses just the barbell instead of bodyweight drills, foam rolling, or mobilizations.
January 2
8-Week Quad and Hamstring Assault
Give your body a break from traditional squats and deadlifts and smash your wheels with this growth-inducing plan.
January 1
Are You Stronger or Just Better?
Are you getting hung up on improving technique when you should be just concentrating on getting stronger?
December 31
The 3-Week Wimpy Back Cure
Doing a back workout once a week isn't going to cut it. You need to crush it and crush it hard several times a week.
December 30
Direct Arm Training: Pros and Cons
At last, the definitive answer to the age-old question of whether direct arm work is really necessary for big guns.
December 27
How to Do the Jefferson Deadlift
A deadlift variation as old as the barbell that will pack on mass and kick up your pulling power.
December 26
7 Ways to Hack Your Hip Hinge
The hip hinge is the single most-important movement pattern for squats and deadlifts. Can you even do them correctly?
December 23
Program Shock: Do the Opposite
Shock your body into building more muscle in just two weeks using Opposite Training. Here’s how.
December 20
Double-Paused Deadlifts
Deadlift stuck? Here's a trick that will quickly improve your technique and help you set a new PR.
December 19
9 Tricks for Consistent Workouts
Building a better body requires commitment and consistency. Here's how to never miss a workout.
December 18
Last Set Mayhem
Combine volume and intensity by performing multiple sets and then taking the last set to muscle-tearing oblivion.
December 16
The Simple Cure for Weak Body Parts
Just about everyone has one pathetic muscle group. Here's a plan to make that embarrassment a thing of the past.
December 12
The Reactive Warm-up
Forget those long warm-ups that have you break-dancing across the gym floor. Here's something short and effective.
December 10
How to Build Mass as a Tall Lifter
If you're tall and you want to build muscle, you need to adopt new exercises, new techniques, and new strategies.
December 9
7 Rules of Conditioning
How to turn Testosterone-sapping, muscle-burning cardio work into something that burns fat and builds muscle.
December 6
The Specificity/Variability Paradox
To achieve a goal, you must train specifically for the task. But without variation you'll fizzle. Here's how to fix that problem.