March 2
6 Deadlift Tips for Non-Powerlifters
You don't have to be a powerlifter to benefit from the deadlift, but you do need to train the lift differently for your unique goal. Here's how.
February 27
The Cure for Chicken Calves
Train calves first and train them every day, from multiple angles and with high-volume, and watch them explode. Here's your workout plan.
February 25
Lifter's Elbow: The Cause & The Cure
Three common things you probably do in the gym that will wreck your elbows, plus a few smart tricks that'll fix you right up.
February 24
Delts on Fire
If you're a hardgainer in the delts department it's time to ramp up the way you've been training delts. You need the Big Delts Workout.
February 18
The 5 Best Ways to Get Stronger
Strength gains come fast when you're a newbie. Here's how to keep building brutal strength as an advanced bad-ass.
February 12
4 Anabolic Metcon Workouts
Some lifters avoid conditioning work because they're afraid of losing muscle... and their athleticism and waistlines suffer. Here's the fix.
February 4
Ditch The Barbell Bench Press
Good benchers often have rotten chest development. The problem? Barbell bench pressing. Here's how to fix it.
February 2
The Complete Guide To Shoulder Training
You probably have at least one puny head of the delt. And it makes you look funny. Here's how to tell which one's being lazy and how to fix it.
January 29
Total Athleticism: The Workout
Strong. Fast. Agile. Crank up your awesomeness with this simple, challenging workout strategy.
January 28
5 Reasons Your Program Isn't Working
Most so-called workout programs suck. It's time to choose a goal, pick a plan, and stick to it for at least 12 weeks.
January 27
Cardio for Strong People
Forget boring, strength-sapping forms of cardio. These treadmill and bike finishers will burn fat and increase athleticism in just 4-12 minutes.
January 26
The 10 Commandments of Lifting
These straight-talking, common sense “commandments” ought to be emblazoned on the walls of every lifting facility in the world.
January 21
The Complete Guide to Biceps Training
Long head, short head, brachialis. All three need direct attention if you're going to make any significant progress in growing the biceps.
January 20
The Pros and Cons of Powerlifting Training
You can learn a lot from competitive powerlifters. But you can also really screw up your progress if you follow their "rules" blindly. Here's the cold hard truth.
January 19
The Best Grips for the Big Lifts
Knowing which grip to use with the deadlift, overhead press, jerk, and bench press will make you stronger and injury free.
January 9
5 New Strategies for Fat Loss
Here are five training and diet tips to help you lose the fat, keep the muscle, and make some jaws drop.
January 2
7 Secrets to Pulling 700
Whether your goal is to deadlift 400 or 700, two things are clear: you've got to bloody some shins and you've got to learn these cool training techniques.
January 1
5 Radical Ways to Stop Hurting
Forget icing and NSAIDS. They may delay or prevent healing. Instead, try these methodologies that you probably haven't heard of.
December 31
Bench Press Grip: The Magic Number
Use this simple math formula to find your perfect bench press grip, prevent injuries, and lift a lot more weight.