October 13
Tip: Make Triceps Training More Effective
When you do triceps extensions, use a decline bench instead of a flat bench.
October 12
How to Build Your Own Training Program
Train on your own terms! You should know how to write your own training programs without depending on anyone else. Here's how to do it.
Tip: For Bigger Arms, Do Slow Hammer Curls
Build a bigger brachialis by using slow contractions and 20 second squeezes at the top of each rep.
October 6
The Complete Guide to Barbell Squats
To be strong, you have to squat. But which barbell variation is best for you? Low bar, high bar, front, overhead? Find out here.
October 5
The Cure for Fat Guts & Flat Butts
It's not just about looking sexy. Bellies that stick out and glutes that don't are signs of other problems. Here's how to fix them.
October 2
What You Don't Know About BOSU Balls
Newbies and bad personal trainers love them. Experienced lifters and most coaches hate them. Here are the actual facts.
October 1
7 Lies About Women's Fitness & Diet
Everything marketers have told you about yoga, running, detox, juicing, and even the female Viagra pill is wrong. Here's the truth.
September 30
4 Minutes to Core Strength
All you need to build strong, powerful abs is “The Pillar Killer” – a mechanical drop set built around a series of core-specific movements. Check it out.
September 25
6 Grip Tips to Build More Muscle
Stimulate more muscle growth just by changing your grip on these exercises you already do. Here's how.
September 18
How to Trigger Size Gains Every Workout
Only training heavy won't build much muscle. Only training light won't either. Here's a tough workout plan that leaves nothing out.
September 17
Strength Training Tricks: What Works?
There are tricks and cues that supposedly increase strength in the squat, bench, and deadlift. Some work, some don't. Here's the truth.
September 11
The Secret to a Bigger Bench Press
Advanced lifters know that leg drive is key for hitting a new PR on the bench. Here are 5 tips to maximize it.
September 10
Fix Your Puny Calves, Traps, Abs and Pecs
Do you have tiny calves and traps? How about unresponsive abs and pecs? Well, that sucks. Here are the simple solutions.
September 8
The Posture Cure
What's the point of training if you're always hunched over and hiding your gains? Straighten up to look as strong as you actually are. Here's how.
September 4
The Smart Lifter's Guide to Rest Periods
Only rank newbies follow strict rest period rules. Experienced lifters learn to use internal cues for best results. Here's why.
September 3
The 5 Dumbest Muscle Myths
Lifters who still believe these myths are missing out on gains. Which lies need to die? Find out here.
September 1
The Best Chest Training Tips, Period
Having a puny chest is fine... if you're 12 years old. Here's how to go beyond the basics to build bigger, stronger pecs.
August 28
Flexible Training For Faster Gains
Advanced lifters don't just follow training programs blindly. They know when to push and when to back off. Here's how to become one of them.
August 27
The 4 Most Abused Words in Fitness
You hear these words all the time, but do you even know what they really mean? It's time to stop it with the nerdy buzzwords and go back to basics. Start here.