November 3
Tip: For Pecs, Use Dumbbells Not Barbells
The barbell bench press won't give you much chest growth. Here's why and how to fix it.
November 2
4 Reasons You Suck at Building Mass
If you're small and weak, this is either going hurt your feelings or help you get bigger and stronger. Your choice. Check it out.
October 30
How to Keep Muscle During a Layoff
Whether you're taking a planned break from training or you're struck by sickness or injury, there are plenty of things you can do to prevent muscle loss.
October 29
Exercise Variety Is Making You Weak
The idea of muscle confusion is largely misunderstood. You really don't need to keep the body guessing. Here's why, plus a better way to get strong.
October 28
The 4 Best Recovery Methods You're Not Using
No recovery, no progress. Here are four recovery methods every serious lifter or athlete should be using.
October 27
You Don't Know How to Curl
Exactly how you perform a curl can mean the difference between having puny biceps and big biceps. Here's how to curl to double your rate of growth.
Tip: Do EMOM Sets for Strength & Conditioning
Doing one set every minute forces you to keep rest times strict and pushes intensity. Here's how to do them.
October 26
Tip: Fire Up Your Glutes With This Exercise
This is like a concentration curl for your butt. Here's how to do it.
October 25
Tip: Change Your Grip for a Stronger Overhead Press
These two simple tweaks can boost pressing strength for bigger, stronger delts. Check 'em out.
October 24
Tip: Use a Wide Grip on Upright Rows
Use a wider grip to build more muscle. Avoid pulling the elbows above shoulder height to prevent injury.
October 23
Tip: Do Hamstring Curls Before Squats
Pre-pumped hamstrings will make your squat feel more comfortable and stable.
October 22
Tip: Don't Use a Mixed Grip When Deadlifting
If you always used a mixed grip when deadlifting, you'll get injured. Instead, master the hook grip. Here's how.
October 21
The 5 Most Painful Ways to Build Muscle
Enjoy pain? Increasing metabolic stress is the single most overlooked aspect of training for size. Try these torturous techniques.
Tip: Tighten Your Waist With Old-School Vacuums
Train the transverse abdominis with the vacuum exercise for a harder, tighter waist.
October 19
Tip: Use This Workout to Build Your Puny Calves
To add size to the calves you must remove the stretch-reflex and perform loaded stretching.
October 18
Tip: Do No-Carb Cardio in the Morning
Don't do your cardio fully fasted, but avoid carbs. You'll protect muscle and burn more fat.
October 17
Tip: Do Harder, Fewer Reps for Great Abs
Recruit more muscle by tensing hard before every rep of an ab exercise.
October 15
Tip: Take the Hang Pull-Up Test
Take this quick test of grip strength, then ramp it up and see if you can pass the 5 minute pull-up challenge.
October 14
Strength Training for Women
Women can often get away with sloppy technique, but should strive for perfection anyway.