January 4
The Pros and Cons of Percentage Training
Many popular strength programs are based on percentages of your one rep max. Sometimes that's good. Sometimes it's bad. Here's why.
Tip: Use Drop Sets to Get Better at Pull-Ups
Suck at pull-ups? Here's how to stop sucking, get stronger, and add enough volume to build muscle.
January 3
Tip: Don't Look Up When You Squat
Your high school coach or crappy personal trainer was wrong. Here's where you should look when squatting.
January 2
Tip: Stop Overusing Belts and Wraps
Sometimes they're needed, and sometimes you're just setting yourself up for future injury. Here's why.
Tip: Do Loaded Push-Ups
Push-ups with added weight build strength and train your chest while keeping the shoulders healthy. Here's how to do them.
January 1
Tip: Replace the Leg Extension
There's a better exercise to target your quads. Check it out.
December 31
Tip: Stop Leaning Back on the Deadlift
If you finish your deadlift hyperextended, you're gonna have a bad day. Here's why.
Push-Pull Training: The Next Generation
The push-pull training split has been building slabs of muscle for generations. But can it be improved? You bet. Here's how.
December 30
Tip: Two New Ways to Build Bigger Traps
Finish off your traps with these unique exercise variations.
5 Signs You're About to Get Hurt
Are you on your way to becoming a broken down lifter? Here are the signs to watch out for and how to intervene.
December 29
Tip: Work the Top and Bottom Range of the Deadlift
Strengthen your pull from the floor and your lockout with these two exercises.
Tip: Do the Farmer's Walk Challenge
Improve your conditioning, grip strength, traps and just about everything else with this tough test.
December 27
Tip: Don't Try to Hit the Triceps With Dips
Changing your form on dips to train the triceps will wreck your joints. Here's a better method that works great.
December 26
Tip: Know When to Use Lifting Straps
The strongest lifters use straps, but not all the time. Here's a guide to help you decide when, and when not, to use them.
December 24
Tip: Do Heavy Squat Stand-Ups
Bust plateaus and add more pounds to the bar with this simple technique. Check it out.
December 23
Tip: Use These 3 Lifting Techniques to Burn Fat
Do finisher sets to torch more calories and reveal your muscle. Here's how.
December 22
Tip: Do Stage Reps to Improve Your Pull-Ups
Suck at pull-ups? Avoid machines and use this training technique instead. Check it out.
December 21
Tip: Do The One-Kettlebell Workout
Ramp up your conditioning with only one kettlebell and your bodyweight. Here's the workout.
Lift Like a Monster, Look Like a Hero
Get stronger, build muscle, and increase performance, all with one challenging program. Check it out.