September 17
Tip: The Easiest Hip Flexor Stretch
Sit on your butt a lot? Have low back issues? You need this simple stretch.
September 16
Tip: Decline Kettlebell Pullover
Use kettlebells and a decline bench for your pullovers to increase tension and range of motion.
Tip: Mouth Guards for Bodybuilding?
Do these really make you stronger like some companies claim? Here's the real science.
September 15
Tip: Reverse Lunge With a Hold
This variation hits the glutes and hams hard, and it's more knee-friendly than the forward lunge. Add an isometric hold on the last rep.
Tip: Lying Cable Pullover
Keep the low back pushed into the floor to keep constant tension on the targeted muscles with this pullover variation.
Tip: The Pros and Cons Lifting Belts
Will using a lifting belt really weaken your core? Here's what you need to know.
Tip: No Need to Eat So Many Fruits & Veggies
New research says we don't need as much as we thought. Check out the science.
September 14
Tip: Non-Alternating Walking Lunge
Get better results with walking lunges by not alternating your legs. Maximize constant tension and occlusion by leading with the same leg.
Tip: Incline Kettlebell Skull Crusher
Using 120 percent of your 1RM skull crusher, lower the KBs slowly, switch angles to an incline press, and press back to the top.
Tip: Fine Tune Your Glute Training
You need more than squats and deadlifts. Add a couple of these glute-focused exercises into your program.
September 13
Tip: Activate the Lats, Prevent Bar Drift
A simple lat activation drill that helps you prevent bar drift when deadlifting heavy.
Tip: Should Your Training Program Be Balanced?
Not always. Here's why.
Tip: Do You Really Need Olympic Lifting Shoes?
If you're not involved in the sport of weightlifting, do you need these shoes? Here's what a doctor of physical therapy says.
September 12
Tip: Alternating Kettlebell Skull Crusher
Keep the arm that's not moving in the bottom position between reps. Lift your legs to increase neural drive and motor unit recruitment.
Tip: A Brand New Way to Use Your Foam Roller
Build your back, abs, and chest with a foam roller. Here's how.
September 11
Tip: Inverted Row Modification
This variation places better emphasis on the lats.
Tip: Total Arm Training
Nail your biceps with a mechanical drop set, then hit triceps the same way, then do forearms for a complete arm-building session.
Tip: Should I Use Lifting Straps?
Some say straps lead to a weak grip so they never use them. Others use them for damn near everything. Here's the smart lifter's approach.
September 10
Tip: Depth Jump Push-Up, Long Response
Here's a plyometric exercise designed to boost your bench press.