March 16
Single-Leg Training Modifications for Knee Pain
Got knee pain? Don’t skip leg day. Use these single-leg lifts to build your legs and strengthen your knees.
January 11
Radical Methods of Injury Rehabilitation
Forget everything your gym teacher taught you about rehabbing an injury. Here are some controversial approaches to healing fast, starting from the bottom up.
November 3
Step-by-Step Approach to Coming Back From An Injury
Injuries are as much a part of the iron game as plates, dumbbells, and chalk. Here’s what to do when it happens.
October 12
Straightforward Knee Rehab
Few injuries are as debilitating as knee pain. Here's what to do when yours strikes.
July 8
Corrective Complexes
Short but sweet corrective complexes that give method to the mobility madness.
September 19
Soft Tissue Work for Tough Guys
Think foam rolling hurts? Try using a tennis ball on trigger points. Here’s how.
June 26
18 Tips for Bulletproof Knees
Here’s how to fix your achy knees, prevent injury, and keep the squats coming. Check it out.
May 25
Hardcore Stretching - Part 2
How to stretch your most problematic muscle groups. This is gonna hurt.
May 24
Hardcore Stretching - Part 1
Hardcore training needs to incorporate (smart) hardcore stretching. Here’s why.
July 30
The Real Miracle Worker
Back in my small hometown in Texas, some of the more eccentric churches would hold these great tent revivals. Even if we didn't like their particular style of religion, we would still sit out in our cars and watch just for the sheer entertainment value of the show.