April 28
Tip: The Bench Press and Your Lats
For a bigger bench press, master the slingshot technique. Here's how to do it.
April 27
Tip: Make the Bench a Better Chest Builder
The bench press is great for overall strength, but not a great pec builder... unless you use these two tricks.
April 24
The Simple 7 Warm-Up
Your warm-up shouldn't be boring or ineffective. Here's how to stretch the right parts, move with ease, and prepare to destroy your workout.
April 18
Tip: The Silly-Looking Exercise Your Glutes Need
This exercise will boost your deadlift and build your flat butt... but it looks weird. Who cares? Be weird.
April 14
Tip: Supersize Your Weight Stack
Here's a nifty trick that lets you easily slap on 10, 25, or 35 pounds to a cable weight stack.
April 13
The Very Best Machine in the Gym
Free weights are usually best, but not always. We asked 6 coaches and pros about their favorite machine and how they like to use it. Check it out.
April 12
Tip: The Safest Chest Press
This lift is easy on your joints, kind to your shoulders, and polite to your achy elbows. And it'll still get you super strong.
April 5
The Smart Lifter's Guide to Recovery Weeks
Deloads are often misused. They can accelerate your gains, but they can also derail them. Here's how to make a better plan.
April 2
Tip: 1RM Training – Risk vs. Reward
Why you should stop focusing so much on your one-rep max and what to do instead.
March 28
Tip: Roll the Bar, Set a Deadlift PR
World record deadlifts have been set using this method, but some powerlifters hate it. Check it out.
March 26
8 Things Coaches Have Changed Their Minds About
If a coach never updates his ideas, he's probably a crappy coach. Here's what several experts have changed their minds about.
March 23
Tip: The Most Outlawed Exercise
Don't let the fitness police keep you from doing this safe and proven strength-building lift.
March 17
Tip: Touch-And-Go Deadlift – Good Form
The key is that it's not a bounce; it's a one-second pause. Tension is maintained and the bar is lowered under control.
March 15
Tip: Avoid Kyphotic Posture
For hip hinge exercises like RDLs and deadlifts, watch out for this common mistake.
March 11
Tip: Back Raise for Erectors
Strengthen your spinal erectors, get stronger in all the big lifts. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps once a week using light weight.
March 9
Tip: Banded Good Morning
Ramp up this powerlifting accessory exercise with a band to add resistance at the waist and cue yourself to get the hips through. Great for glutes.
Tip: Hip Thrust for a Stronger Squat
Can this butt-building exercise actually improve your back squat? Researchers have taken a look. You may be surprised.
March 7
Tip: The Best Squat Variation You're Not Using
Build your legs, boost your regular squat, and work around injuries with this butt-busting variation.
March 1
Tip: Do More Reps for Real Life Strength
Here's why everyone needs to add some higher-rep sets to their workouts.