July 5
Single-Leg Supplements
Single-leg exercise options to help you achieve all your strength and physique goals. Check ’em out.
June 28
Pendulum Training for Athletes
A while back here at T-Nation, I released a series on what I called Pendulum Training. This is basically a training system that has you switching from structural training to functional training every week.
June 9
Exercises You've Never Tried 11
Try a few of these little-used, but extremely effective exercises and break out of your training rut.
May 28
The One Dumbbell Workout
What if you only had one dumbbell to train with? Actually, you’d get a great workout if you followed this plan. Check it out.
April 30
Westside for Skinny Bastards 1
Skinny? Interested in packing on muscle mass and having the strength to back it up? This program is for you.
Exercises You've Never Tried 10
A new exercise is mentally stimulating. It turns your brain on, excites the nervous system and breaks you out of the training blahs. Try these out.
April 2
The Anti-Bodybuilding Hypertrophy Program – Part 2
Here’s the sequel to one of our most popular training plans. Check it out.
Exercises You've Never Tried 9
Break out of your training rut and adopt some challenging new exercises. Here are 8 to test out.
February 27
Exercises You've Never Tried 8
Here are eight exercises you've probably never tried. Shake up your next workout.
February 13
Pendulum Powerlifting
Back in December, Coach Thibaudeau introduced T-Nation to Pendulum Training, his particular style of non-linear periodization, then he applied this effective approach to bodybuilding. Now, the big bald Canadian is tackling powerlifting. This should be interesting!
February 6
Construction by Adduction
Five forgotten muscles you need to train to reach your strength and performance goals.
Program Design 101
Sets, reps, time under tension, rest periods, and everything you need to know to DIY the right plan for you.
January 9
Precision Pulling
The 9 keys to pulling bigger, badder deadlifts.
December 26
Pendulum Training
Non-Linear Periodization for Maximum Gains
December 19
Different Destinations, Different Journeys
Get Functional, Get Structural, Get Started!
November 21
Bustin' Ass 101
If you think you're way beyond this basic advice, think again. Warning: Not for snowflakes.
October 24
Superman Sets
How to build power and functional hypertrophy with timed sets
October 3
Part-Time Beast
Big Time Gains for the Part-Time Lifter
September 26
Cracking the Rotator Cuff Conundrum
Everything you need to know about your rotator cuff (and more.) Here’s how to keep it healthy and strong.