February 9
The Lost Art of Overhead Pressing
Build your shoulders and damn near everything else with these “forgotten” exercises. Here’s how.
January 16
Deconstructing Paul Chek
T Nation talks to influential strength coach Paul Chek. It got weird fast. Check it out.
January 11
Tate Talks Hypertrophy - Part 1
The legendary strength athlete tells us why muscle growth is vital for max lifts, and why it's not the same for powerlifters as it is for bodybuilders.
December 23
Exercises You've Never Tried 16
Seven weird looking (but effective!) exercises to shake up your stagnant workouts. Check ‘em out.
December 22
Get Strong, Get Fast, Get Vertical!
A program designed to improve your vertical jump and your overall strength and athleticism. Check it out.
November 23
Exercises You've Never Tried 15
Well, maybe you’ve tried some of them. But maybe not. Check out the list and challenge yourself.
November 15
Old School Training
You don't need a fancy gym membership. Build old school strength with old school training. Here’s how.
October 19
Genetics: Limitation or Copout?
We live in a world of excuses. Most people don't want to accept that when something goes wrong in their lives, they're at least partly to blame.
September 14
The High Frequency Secret
How to increase your training frequency (without burning out) to get better results in the gym.
August 29
Overcoming Lousy Leverages - Part 1
Got long legs? Gangly arms? Don't let your leverages hold you back from lifting heavier. Check this out.
August 18
Bodybuilding for Powerlifters
Six things you can learn from bodybuilders, even if your goal is to just get strong on three lifts.
August 17
The Evil Scot
An uncensored interview with a martial arts champion turned performance coach.
August 10
5 Relative Strength Myths
Being strong isn't enough. You need to be strong for your size. That's the difference between relative strength and absolute strength. Here's what will get you there.
August 9
Sticking Point Therapy
Sticking points are much like those really talkative, naked old men in your gym's locker room: you'd rather avoid them! Nothing's more frustrating than making good progress overall but failing to improve on the "big lifts" (bench press, squat, deadlift, military press, etc.)
August 2
Evolutionary Fitness
What our genes teach us about diet and training, according to Dr. Art De Vany.
July 20
Exercises You've Never Tried 14
Add a few of these unique exercises to your training program to liven up your next workout.
July 18
The Art of Waterbury
How one of our top coaches programs exercises, sets and reps, progressions and more. Check it out.
July 12
Powerlifting for Bodybuilders
What can bodybuilders learn from powerlifters? A lot actually. Here are 6 examples.
July 11
Beach Training for Performance-Oriented Lifters
"Bodybuilding training? No way! Not for me! I'm training only for strength and function," said the huge sumbitch after deadlifting a load that was roughly equivalent to a Sherman tank.