June 7
How I Really Train
So how does a strength training legend actually train, day in, day out? We asked coach Dan John. Here’s what he had to say.
June 4
Heavy Lessons
A long-time strength coach finally enters a powerlifting meet. Here's what you can learn from his experiments.
May 30
Effective Training for Busy Men
Life has this annoying habit of interfering, but that doesn't mean training should get put on the back burner.
May 22
10 Forgotten Tips for Smarter Lifting
Mike Robertson wants to remind you to do some of the great stuff you used to, but may have forgotten about.
May 10
Training Variations for Mass Gain
How to train like a strength or power athlete in any gym with basic equipment.
May 8
Why the Bench Press is the Best Exercise
For the goals of improved strength, more muscle size, better athletic function, and even general fitness, the bench press is the best exercise. Here’s why.
May 7
The New Old-School Circuit Training
Take circuit training to a new level of muscle size and strength development with this old school throwback.
May 4
Freaky Forearm Training
Thick, strong forearms not only complete the physique, they help you move more weight and perform better. Here's everything you need to know about grip training.
April 24
Big Without Strong is Nothing
The road to a massive body that sports its own zip code begins with simply getting stronger. Here's a minimalist approach to getting maximal results.
April 17
My Favorite Upper Body Warm-Up
Wanna know the best warm-up for heavy lifting? Ask a powerlifting coach. Like this one.
April 16
Training Clarity: One Goal at a Time
The barbell can accomplish just about any fitness goal - just not all at the same time. Here's how to add a method to this training madness.
April 4
15 Commandments for the Big 3 Lifts
15 benching, squatting, and deadlifting tips to lead you to the powerlifting promised land.
April 2
My Favorite Upper Body Lift
How Jim Wendler went from overhead pressing 95 pounds to 300 pounds.
March 30
Nonlinear Periodization for Size and Strength
Manipulate your training to accommodate for how you feel on a given day. If strict programming has been holding you back, do this instead.
March 26
6 Specialty Bars for Strength and Size
A conventional barbell is fine, but if that's all you use you're missing out on strength gains and a little novelty. Change your bar to improve your training.
March 22
The Power of 3 Program
A simple yet highly effective 3-day-a-week program that cuts out all the B.S. and gets you super strong.
March 20
Disable Your Size and Strength Governor
Start realizing your true physical potential. Use these full-body workouts to maximize training frequency and increase work capacity.
March 19
Bands For Size and Strength
How to use bands to get bigger benches, stronger squats, and add pounds of new mass - in just a few months!
March 7
You Don't Have to be a Loser
Overcome your average genetics. Quit complaining, read this, and make gains like never before.